Chapter 16

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I walked straight to the stairs and up to my room after stepping into the apartment. 

I kicked my shoes into a corner before shutting the door behind me. 

I plopped down onto the bed with a sigh. My fake liquid courage had made me feel like I was now having a fake hangover. I was proud of myself for speaking my thoughts and feelings to Officer Lee for once. But for some reason, I felt that our relationship would remain the same even after my confessions. He wouldn't let me call him by his first name, and he wouldn't recognize the connection between us. 

I threw my head down onto the pillow, pulling the covers around me. I could feel the headache coming due to my fake hangover. 

"What happened? What happened? Tell me, now!" I groaned upon hearing the sound of Lucy's voice entering the room. She jumped onto the bed, placing her butt right next to my head. 

I pulled the covers over my head, attempting to show her that I wasn't in the mood for talking. But much to my dismay, my attempt failed. 

"Oh no you don't, Sian! You're going to tell me exactly what happened, and your going to tell me now!" 

"Fine, fine, fine!" I yelled. I pulled the cover down from over my head. I sighed, "We went to his father's house and had brunch. He lied about how I met him, saying that we were old high school friends. But his father knew I was lying. He told me that I was changing Officer Lee, and that I could go see him and talk about anything whenever I wanted." 

"Hmm, that's all?" 

I blushed, "Yes." 

Lucy squinted her eyes at me, but decided not to pry further. "Alright then, since you claim that's all that happened I'll leave you alone to sulk." She stood up from the bed and walked over to the door. She stepped out, preparing to close the door behind her but suddenly she paused. "Are you going to take his offer?" 


"His father, Richard, will you take his offer to visit and talk to him whenever you want?" 

I pondered her words. 

I ran the brush through my hair a few times, eliminating all of the tangles. I looked myself over in the mirror.

I had searched my entire closet that Lucy had stocked, and managed to find these one pair of normal pants. I found a normal band shirt and a pair of simple black boots. I wasn't to sure Lucy would find this outfit appeasing, but it was the most normal thing I could find and I felt comfortable in it. 

I checked the clock; 7:18 am. I grabbed a sweater, an off the shoulder bag, and my phone, looking myself over in the mirror one last time.

I walked out of my room and headed down the stairs, reciting my prepared lines over and over in my head. I knew exactly what I would say when Officer Lee and Lucy asked where I was going and why. 

I found them both in the kitched talking over cups of coffee. 

"Hey." I said, interrupting them. Both pairs of eyes turned to look at me. "I'm going out."

"Oh really?" Officer Lee said. I nodded. "And where might you be going?" 

"S-school." Damn it, I stuttered. "I decided to go back to school." 

Officer Lee coughed, choking on his coffee. "School?" 

"Yes, I'm ready to go back." 

"Where did this sudden change of heart come from?" 

I thought back to the lines I had recited in my head over and over. "I've decided that I need to stop being a baby and stand up for myself. I can face those people at school. I don't need you to protect me all the time." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes, I'm sure." I peeked over at Lucy, her lips twisted into a knowing smile. She knew what I was about to do. 

"Well, I'll get my keys an..." 

"No, no, no! That's okay, I was actually planning to take DDOT." 

"Public transportation?" Officer Lee said, disgust relfected on his face. 

"Yeah, I've taken it before and I can take it now." 

"Hmm, well if you insist. Do you need fare?" 


"I'll be back in a moment." Officer Lee left the kitchen. 

"You naughty little liar!" Lucy whispered. 

I blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about." 

"Oh yes you do! You're not going to school, you're going to Ri..." Lucy instantly stopped talking as Officer Lee entered the kitchen again. 

"Here you are, Sian. That should be enough for you to get there and back, and extra for food and emergencies." 

I looked at the wad of money that Officer Lee placed in my hand. I gasped. 

"Jesus, Jett. She's going to school," Lucy winked at me, thankfully Officer Lee didnt see, "not a six month vacation." 

"Thank you, Officer Lee. I should get going now." 

"Of course, I'll walk you to the bus stop." 

"No, no that's alright. I can get there on my own." 

"Are you sure?" 

I nodded. "I'll be fine, promise." 

"Alright, I don't want to hold you up any longer. But one more thing, text or call me as soon as you get to school and when you're leaving, okay?" 

"Yes." I gave a small smile. "Goodbye, Officer Lee, Lucy."  

"Bye, dear," Lucy blew me a kiss. 

I turned and headed for the front door. I heard Officer Lee's steps trailing behind me. 

I opened the front door and prepared to step out when I felt a familiar grip on my arm. "Sian, please be careful, alright? If anything happens, anything, call me right away." 

"I will, promise. Bye." 

"Goodbye Sian." He leant forward and placed a kiss on my forehead. 

I smiled before turning and walking to the elevator. I pressed the button, waiting for the doors to open. I stepped inside, upon hearing the ding. 

I saw Officer Lee still standing in the door. I waved, and in return he waved just as the doors were closing. 

I breathed a huge sigh of relief as I felt the elevator begin moving down.

I stepped out into the lobby and was greeted by a man standing at the front desk. "Hi." I replied nicely. 

"Would you like a mint, miss?" 

"Sure." I smiled, walking over to the desk where the man held out a glass bowl full of the small candies. I furrowed my eyebrows as I got closer to the man. I noticed his eyes were two different colors, one green the other brown. A jagged scar pink scar covered his left cheek. 

I took a peice of candy, "Thank you." I quickly walked out of the hotel and to the nearby bus stop, eager to finally begin my journey. 

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