Chapter 19

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I pushed the few articles of clothing in my hand into the bag. I raced to my drawer, pulling out a few more and adding them to the bag also.


Knock, knock!

I ignored the two small raps at the door continuing to add clothes to another bag.

I paused for a moment. Officer Lee had bought me all of these things, they belonged to him.

I threw the two bags down onto the floor, the items inside falling out.

“Sian!” Lucy yelled as she burst into the room.

I turned to look at her. “What?”

She looked at the contents on the floor. “What are you doing? Are you packing up your things?”

I shook my head, “I’m just leaving. I’m not taking anything with me.”

“What? W-why are you leaving? What were you two talking about?”

“I told him that I went to see Richard today.”

I thought back to the moment I told him. I debated on whether or not to wait and access his reaction, or run before I got hurt in the middle of his anger. I chose the ladder.

I fled he kitchen before I even had the chance to see his fists crush the granite counter top.

“Sian…” Lucy shook her head, “well what did he say?”

“I don’t know, I ran out of the kitchen.”

“Whatever his reaction may be, that’s no reason for you to leave Sian.”

“No, Lucy you don’t understand.” I said.

“Sian, yes I do. You don’t need to leave because of this. Yes, Jett will be mad, maybe for a long time. But he’ll get over it eventually. And he has a job… to protect you. You cannot just walk out.”

I could feel the familiar stingy behind my eyes as unwanted tears threatened to fall down cheeks.

“No, no, Lucy I have to go. I-I just can’t do that anymore.”

“Do what?”

“I can’t stay here anymore. I’ve tried my hardest but I know leaving is the right thing to do. Neither of you want me here anyway.” I walked towards the door.

Lucy quickly grabbed onto my arm, effectively stopping me from exiting the room. “We do want you here Sian. Where did all of these feelings suddenly come from?”

I sighed, “I’ve been feeling this for a while. But… seeing Richard today and hearing why Jett is so messed up,” I wiped a tear drop from my face, “I just know that I need to leave.”

“Sian, no, we love you here.”

“No you don’t Lucy! I’ve done something horrible! I ruined Jett’s life, I’m the reason why he’s like this!” I yelled, more tears rushing down my face.

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows at me. “What do you mean, Sian?”

“Agatha, his mom, she’s the reason why he’s like this!”

“Yes, yes, I know that. But… what does she have to do with you?”

“Everything, e-everything is my fault Lucy! I didn’t mean for it to happen!” I could feel myself beginning to hyperventilate.

Lucy grabbed onto my hands, her voice becoming more stern. “Sian, tell me, now.”

I choked back my sobs as I attempted to control my breathing. “I k-killed her Lucy! I killed Agatha! I killed her!”

Lucy quickly let go of my hand. “W-what? What the hell are you talking about Sian?”

I ignored the fact that this was the first time I had ever heard Lucy use this tone of voice. “I really didn’t mean to Lucy, please believe me! We went into the house just to steal things, we wanted the money. W-we didn’t think anyone was home.” I could feel that my lungs weren’t taking in enough oxygen. Black spots dotted my already clouded vision from the tears. “I told Cam not to do it! I told him he didn’t have to! But he did it, Lucy! I told him not to! S-she was laying on the floor, and I-I wanted to help her but Cam wouldn’t let me. He dragged me out of the house!”

A tear fell down Lucy’s right cheek, and then the left.

“Lucy I promise I didn’t mean for it to happen that way! Please believe me! I wanted to help her! H-he wouldn’t let me! I didn’t think that she would die! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

I reached forward to grab Lucy’s hand but she backed away from me, giving me a cold glare. “Lucy, please believe me!”

“Get. Out.” Lucy whispered.

“Lucy, I’m sorry!”

“Get out!” She shrieked, breaking down into sobs.

I turned away from her and with shaky, uneven steps walked out of the room into the hard chest of Officer Lee.

I could barely make out his face through my vision. “Jett, please don’t. I didn’t mean it.” I whispered.

I felt his two big hands grip onto each of my arms, squeezing tight almost as if her were trying to crush me. The words he said were muffled and I couldn’t understand. I wanted to ask him what he was saying, but I had no control over my mouth, over my body.

I felt myself slowly drifting into the darkness. I could hear my heartbeats inside of my head, slowing down completely to the point where I couldn’t hear them at all anymore. 

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