|lovers rock • harvey kinkle|

Start from the beginning

You could feel your wet tears drench a small patch on the blouse she was wearing. You knew you had to stop before things could get worse and you would find yourself not being able to eat or get out of bed.

Oh, how dramatic.

"Would you like to come downstairs and get a little snack? I can make your favorite." She cooed while pinching the tip of your nose.

She always did that to you since you were young. It had grown on you and now that was her way of showing affection than just a normal hug.

You nodded while getting off the bed. Hilda lead you down the stairs and into the kitchen, where she told you to sit at the table. You obliged and sat down, but only to stare at nothing.

You were lost in your thoughts. You really wanted Harvey to stay and tell you everything would be fine, but you knew that wasn't reality. Sometimes, you grew jealous over Sabrina and her relationship with Nicholas Scratch, hoping you'd find someone who'd do anything for you as he did Sabrina.

The sweet smell of cookies snapped you out of your mournful thoughts. Hilda gently placed a plate of your favorite desert in front of you. You smiled gratefully at her before grabbing one and biting into it.

You sighed at how good it was. Hilda always knew how to make you feel better about anything. And that was always by making you food. But of course you wouldn't complain, who could ever turn down one of Hilda's delicious dishes.

"Are you feeling better, (Y/n)?" She smiled as she sat in front of you, handing you a glass of milk. "Yes. Thank you auntie." You said while trying to give her a smile in return, but failed when you could feel tears begging to come out again. You hurriedly wiped your eyes and continued chewing on the gooey cookie.

"Hilda! Where are those frightful teenagers at?" You heard Zelda yell from the main foyer. You started to mentally prepare yourself for one of the many lectures she was about to give you. "What in the heavens is going on here?" Her voice boomed. You nearly jumped out of your seat once she came in the kitchen.

"She told Harvey she's a witch today." Hilda whispered, not knowing that you could still hear her. "It didn't really go as planned and he ran off. Poor girl, she's been crying for hours!" You pinched the bridge of your nose while shaking your head in despair. This was going to be one hell of a lesson from Zelda.

"Oh how dreadful! This is why we should always accompany our own kind, not a mortal who is using you because you are close to Sabrina. You deserve better! No Spellman should bow to a boy like him." Zelda scolded. You sat there frozen in shock, while Hilda looked at her sister in disbelief.

"Zelda! That is the last thing she needs to hear right now!" Hilda raised her voice slightly before turning to you. "Don't worry, love. Harvey is a great boy. I'm sure he's just scared." She reassured. You weren't sure who was right. Both of your aunts made some valid points, but you knew you could only chose one.

"It's alright." You sighed while getting up from the chair. "Zelda is right. So if you may excuse me, aunties. I'm going to have a talk with Harvey."


You walked in the dark overthinking everything. You were worried this would be the wrong thing to do and only make things worse. You had always wanted to have a "knight in shining armor" to come save you when you were heartbroken, except this time you felt like you were in his shoes instead.

You trudged through the gravel, shuffling your shoes against the rocks. Harvey's house wasn't far from where you were, but you were walking so it would take longer. You would most likely get there in 20 minutes. As the time passed, you stayed lost in your thoughts until you heard your name being called.

"(Y/n)? Is that you?"

You looked up from the ground, meeting eyes with the one and only Harvey Kinkle. You were surprised to see him out in the night like this. Especially since you were no where near his house yet. You gave him a questioning gaze which made him walk closer to you.

"What are you doing out here alone?" He asked as you stood there in a daze.

"I was coming to see you. Well, talk to you actually." You said as Harvey nodded. You didn't know what to do or say. Should he say something first or you?

"I was on my way to you." He paused before continuing again. "Look, I'm sorry (Y/n). I know what I did was so messed up and I regret leaving you. I don't care that you are a witch at all. It makes me love you even more that you didn't keep it away from me. But, I guess I was just scared you would leave me like Sabrina. Go to a warlock who is everything that I'm not. And I just didn't want you to change like she did."

You were so happy to hear those words. Right away, you pulled him in for a tight hug. You never wanted to let him go, and he the same.

"Harvey, I love you so much. I promise I will never leave you, your the only one I want." You said while lifting your head to look up at him. He softly put his lips on yours, sealing the fact that you were his. Seconds passed as the kiss finally broke apart, smiles plastered on your faces.

"All yours (Y/n). All yours."

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