I nodded and made my way thru all the others who went to grab their suits and weapons. Tony went to the room next to this one and stopped in front of - my suit.

"Do you like it?" he smiled.

"Yes" I giggled "it's amazing."

It was for sure a change from the normal everyday clothes he got for me. It was kinda similar to my old battle clothes. It was all black, the pants were the basic military style and paired with a black pair of boots.

"Great. I kinda took notes from Barnes' clothes so I'm glad you like it too." Tony giggled "Suit up, kid." he said and left the room.

I put the suit on and made my way to the ready room while putting the belt on. The belt was equipped with some knives and electric balls that I didn't quite understand. I then grabbed a trustworthy shotgun and entered the room.

The others were also almost ready. Everyone was laughing and making jokes. You could tell by the energy in the room this wasn't anything serious. It was just safer if we went there after the robbers captured those policemen.

I scanned the room until my eyes landed on Steve who was just exiting his changing room, looking down at his suit. As he lifted his gaze up, our eyes immediately met and he smiled. I smiled back while he made his way towards me.

"You look... amazing in that suit." he said looking me up-n-down.

"Well, thank you, you do too." I smiled, taking in how opposite our preffered suit style was. It was amusing.

"Okay attention everybody." Tony said entering the room in his Iron Man suit "There are multiple entries in the bank so we'll split into pairs." he said showing us the hologram of the bank "Nat and Clint, Rhodey and I and Steve and Anastasya. Sam, you are on air lookout as usual."

He just paired me with Captain America. He knew what he did. He wants to make me 'feel better about myself'. My ass. He looked me in the eye and smirked in satisfaction. That piece of-- ugh.

As Sam, Tony and Rhodey flew there, Clint, Nat, Steve and I took a Jeep and drove there. Nat was a fast driver and we were there in seconds.

We then split into pairs and Cap and I made our way to the back entrance that was assigned to us. He kicked open the door and went in, shield first. I got my gun ready and went into full awareness mode. I heard someone in the room in front of us so I hand signaled it to Steve. He understood and tapped his earpiece.

"Stark, someone is in the back room. We are going in now." he whispered and kicked open the door again.

We were immediately met by three armed guys guarding the prisoned policemen. Jackpot. Steve shielded us from their gunshots as I took away ones gun with my powers and shot him in his knees. The second one was already on the floor taken down by Cap and the third one tried to fight me. Didn't end well. For him.

"Dang, forgot you can do that." he smiled.

I shrugged and continued to the right as he went left. I sent the robbers to sleep one by one so they would be quiet.

"Down!" I heard Steve yell and I crouched. His shield came flying above me and into the head of another robber.

"Thanks." I said as I stood again on my feet.

"No problem, that's what friends are for." he smiled and went on with work as did I.

We got all the policemen to safety and continued to catch the robbers. Steve and I split up and I went upstairs to the offices while he stayed down.

The rooms seemed empty and quiet, but I could feel someone being here with my hightened senses. I kicked open the door to the office I assumed someone was in. I pointed my gun inside, but there was just a man standing by the window. Without any weapons or anything, just looking at the busy streets.

"Ah" he broke the silence with a sigh "Anastasya Ivanova. What a pleasure."

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

He turned around to face me "How could I not? The deadliest female assassin -slash- serial killer ever. Not as known as Black Widow, but very dangerous. Right shoulder-to-shoulder with the Winter Soldier. Everyone in this business knows who you are. Some believe you are a legend, a myth. I knew you were real. And look at us now." he creepily smiled.

"Who are you?" I asked. Still holding my finger on the trigger.

"That doesn't matter." he said taking a step towards me "What matters is you. Specifically, how many people are scared of you. Look at this- Tony Stark signed you up to join the Avengers as soon as he found you. He only wanted to be on your good side." he continued taking another step forward "They don't like you. They are not your friends. They are scared of what you could do to them so they put you up on a contract."

"Stop." I said. He was getting too close to me. But I didn't want to kill him. Yet. "What do you want from me?"

"From you?" he rose his eyebrows pointing at me "Nothing much. Just a couple kills. For Hydra, again. But from your dear friend... Well, his life. He is a cancer for this country. He was made from a poison and he turned into one. The Red Skull was right and I was born to finish what he started." he continued, getting angrier and angrier.

Really? Another 'I was born to finish what he started'?

Wait. This could be a setup. He could kill Captain America. My eyes widened. Fuck. Steve.

I quickly threw an electric ball to the man who fell to the ground in pain. I tapped my earpiece "All units, this might be a setup. I repeat, might be a setup. They want to kill Captain America. I got an open threat."

I heard Steve sigh "She's right. I ugh-" he grunted and stopped talking.

"He's in the lobby." Nat added.

"You heard the birdies. And Natasha. Everyone free, lobby. Now." Tony said.

I quickly took care of the man in the office, making sure he doesn't run away, and met everyone in front of the lobby. Tony opened the door and we saw Cap surrounded by the 'robbers', his hands in the air, knowing he can't fight all of those men with guns.

They immediately started firing at us. So we fought. And we fought hard. I don't think Tony was expecting this to come out of a little 'robbery'.

At the end of the fight, most of the robbers were badly injured or dead. We had my man from the office and two more for questionings. It wasn't really a hard fight since we were trained for harder and longer fights, so we didn't get any serious injuries.

"They went this far to kill Captain America? This guy wants to be a Hydra head real bad, huh?" Tony said as he dragged the guy from the office.

As they passed us, the guy smiled at me. It was the creepiest smile ever. Something like you know what's gonna happen next.

"Thanks." Cap hugged me around the shoulders as we made our way back to the Jeep.

"No problem" I smiled at him "that's what friends are for."

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