Chapter 21: Part. I - The Blue Moon pack

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"Omg Aerum!" JangMi cried out, already feeling done. she dropped herself onto the grass while Aerum still went on ranting "What if I lose my chance to find my mate? Then I have to find a willing wolf or human to date me." she sighed "Maybe I'm unlikeable. I will die alone. My vagina will dry up and grow brittle and turn to dust and just blow away in a soft breeze."

"Okay!" Kihyun stood up "you will find a mate! you will! When you least expect it, a mate will appear."

Aerum pouted, glancing at Ki, thinking how he and Kyun were lucky to have mates "you guys better make up with your mates, okay?" her frown was very noticeable "get back together and have lots of make up sex."

Both Kihyun and Kyun glanced at the worked up female omega that was too sensitive with the mate subject. They didn't say anything, they just breathed in the cold air of the night and rested their legs.

Changkyun was more tired than anyone else. He suffered a miscarriage a few days ago, he should be resting comfortably and not running for hours on his wolf form. He was stubborn. He wouldn't take no as an answer and even if the others get in his way he would find a way around them and move on.

He needed this.

He needed to keep his mind busy and away from the loss of his baby and from missing his mate. He needed the adrenaline in his veins and needed to for once and for all find out the truth about his pack and himself.

He was glad that his friends were with him, including the new friends he made at the pack, like Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun. Particularly Chanyeol. That guy was very kind and very understanding of him. He felt comfortable. He felt like Chan was the older brother he never had.

Too deep in his thoughts, he didn't notice when Aerum kept talking about mates, that time she asked if it was possible for a wolf to have two mates at the same time, or have a mate and yet feel attracted to another wolf. That threw Kyunnie off, but he also got curious and listened to what others had to say about it.

Kihyun didn't have the answers, but he thought it could be possible.

JangMi said that a mated wolf should only focus on his mate and no one else.

The other alphas also came closer to give their opinions about it.

"Well, I think it's possible for a mated wolf to have a crush on another wolf." said Kai taking a seat next to Kihyun that was biting his upper lip, thinking deeply about what Kai just said.


"Because I have seen some mated wolves that weren't happy with their chosen mates fall in love with other wolves that were unmated or just widowed."

"Widowed?" asked JangMi, raising her dark right eyebrow at the alphas words "you mean when that wolf loses a mate in death?"

"Yeah. When you are mated you are technically married."


"Wow," MiMi scooted closer to Kai to keep asking more questions. "So, what happened? Did they break up with their mates?"

"You can't break up with your mate huns," Chanyeol joined the conversation, pulling a backpack he had been carrying to take out some snacks he had brought for the group "you are in a lifetime commitment with your mate, your lives are intertwined. You can't just break up. With werewolves, it doesn't work that way."

"Then how?" JangMi and Kyun asked simultaneously, both curious.

"The only way to break the bond with your mate is to reject the bond you both share." said Kihyun "but the rejection has to be mutual if not, the bond won't break."

~Away From You~ JookyunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz