"How's life with the Jeongs, by the way?" Eun Tae was in every way updated with the life of Chae Eun. He was her best friend after all. But she's been reticent about this new chapter of her life and it's been bothering Eun Tae ever since. He can't protect her from something he doesn't know about.

"Still a fish out of water and still very much flopping. They can be a bit much sometimes but hey, they make mom happy so I have to thank them for that." And that was true-Chae Eun owe the Jeongs something really big. They brought back a spark in her mother's eyes and she had the CEO to thank for that. "I just wish they wouldn't drag me into the corporate world."

Jace clapped a hand on Chae Eun's shoulder, looking solemn. "Face it, you're an heiress now. Own it." She slapped his hand away, chuckling. "Oh, shut up."

It's already been a week since that incident in town and Mira just came up with how to repay Chae Eun. It's nothing fancy or anything but she hoped she'll appreciate it. She brought a palm inside her bag and felt the warm container of the lunchbox. It's not everyday she cooks and packs lunch, and certainly not for someone. But really, nothing says thank you than something that supplies the stomach.

Zack had been suspicious of Mira since first period. She was unusually all smiles this morning and he couldn't help but wonder what or who can make her lips curl up like that. "What d'ya got there?" He peered over her shoulder to see into her bag. They were walking to the cafeteria now.

"Nothing." Mira didn't even know why she giggled but that seem to irritate Zack. What doesn't anyway? "It's nothing. I just want to give something to someone."

"Was that supposed to make me stop from asking? You've just gotten me more curious. Come on, before I snatch your bag from you."

Mira hit him lightly on the arm. "Hands off! Don't you have somewhere to be? Why are you walking with me anyway? I told you I was going to the restroom."

Lying, huh? Now, he really wanted to see what's inside that bag. "There's a toilet in front of our classroom."

"Zack, get lost before I-" Mira saw the Architecture department heading for the cafeteria and left Zack without another word. Chae Eun must be with her pack and since it's lunch, maybe she'll join her too.

Zack watched, slacked-jaw, as Mira beelined towards the Architecture department. What's her business with those guys? Aside from Vasco, and maybe even Jace, they don't hangout with their department. What does Mira want with them then? Jealousy was like second nature to Zack whenever something concerns Mira. He long since acknowledged that wasn't a healthy attitude to project but growing up together, his initial protectiveness of his childhood friend developed into unsound jealousy. He wasn't proud with the nature of it but he doesn't see himself changing. Zack followed her tail.

Today's special was stir-fried spicy pork and Chae Eun almost ran to the cafeteria when she heard about it. But instead of being in the line, she was facing Mira who was holding out a lunchbox towards her.

"I made this for you." Mira said with so much enthusiasm that Chae Eun didn't have the heart to look confused. She gingerly took the lunchbox from her hands. "Is this about last week?"

"I told you I'd thank you."

The rest of the Architecture department was looking back and forth between the two girls, brows furrowed. Zack had tiptoed towards the party and positioned himself near Mira, barely hearing the exchange. What the hell happened last week? That one guy with the big ears voiced out his question.

"What happened last week, Chae Eun?" Jace was going to get a whiplash from everything that he's been finding out about his best friend.

Oh god, they really don't need to know. Chae Eun was practically screaming in her head. She was giving Mira her best 'please-don't-snitch-on-me' look. "It was no-"

"I met her in town the other night when she saved me from these creeps who were harassing me." said Mira in the most nonchalant way possible.

Zack started but then realized he wasn't supposed to be there. He turn an incredulous look at Mira-oblivious that he was just behind her, of course-and then to the girl Mira was talking to and about. This must be that girl from the Architecture department who just got back. And she saved Mira somehow? What was Mira even doing outside without him knowing about it? He advised her to always let him know when she goes out. It's never safe for girls like Mira—frankly, any girl—to go out alone, most especially at night.

Now, Eun Tae and Jace knows their best friend can take care of herself. They've never actually been knights for Chae Eun. But that doesn't mean that they'll stop worrying about her. They can't control how others act and who knows what kind of trouble she gets into. Chae Eun is tough but she's not invincible.

"We'll talk about this later, okay?" Eun Tae said curtly, sending her a tight look. Chae Eun can only groan.

Jace was not one to let this pass easily. "Oh, we're talking about this now. What exactly did you do? Those guys can get back at you!" Eun Tae wrapped an arm around Jace's neck, keeping him from flying off in his seat. "Vasco, get off me! I swear to g—"

"You can run her ear off later, Jace."

"I'll run her off, all right. Didn't we—wait, Vasco, ow—hey! You're crushing my windpipe!"

With the sounds of Jace choking filling the cafeteria, Chae Eun turn back to Mira with a sheepish smile. "Pardon my friends. They just get so overprotective sometimes it's not even normal."

Mira immediately thought of Zack. "I can relate."

When was the last time Chae Eun had a lunchbox to school? Her mom used to make them for her everyday back in elementary school but then she got so busy with her job that it became less frequent and suddenly it just stopped. She didn't hold that against her mother, though. She was providing for the family, how can a daughter be mad at that? Her mother had done everything that she can to take care of her and Chae Eun doesn't think she'd thank her enough for that. She knows she can't. Chae Eun laughed at the sudden irony. What's with not thanking someone enough these days? But she can now somewhat understand Mira's eagerness to thank her. It's not enough but it's something. Maybe she'll do something for her mother too one of these days.

Chae Eun smiled down at the lunch box and then at Mira. "Do you want to come join us eat? We can share this lunchbox." She didn't think it was possible for the girl to beam even more but she did and Chae Eun couldn't help but laugh a little. Maybe she can use another friend.

"But let me ask you this first," Chae Eun pointed behind Mira. "Who's the gloomy fellow?" The guy seemed taken aback with the attention and tried looking away. He even had the nerve to whistle and tapped his foot nonchalantly. But Mira wasn't even bothered when she looked his way and just waved him off. "Oh, that's Zack. He's like a shadow but like really short-tempered and uses lots of hair product."

"Hey!" snarled Zack. That was uncalled for.

"Can he join us, though?" Mira asked the guys. She then pulled out another lunchbox from her bag and nudged it towards Zack. "I made you one with the spare ingredients." She tried sounding indifferent.

Zack had the tendency to turn into a blushing school girl when it comes to basically anything Mira does. "Y-you really didn't have to—"

"All right, I'll give it to Vasco."

"—no, it's mine!"

Zack held the lunchbox like it was a treasure chest as he made his way to the Architecture department's table. He still had on a blush and the guys looked on, half-embarrased and half-amazed.

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