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I was stood watching as the satellite electrics exploded

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I was stood watching as the satellite electrics exploded. It only got interesting when Cisco got pissed off at Dibny like I did earlier.

I'm surprised he didn't react like this earlier. But when the shouting starting both Iris and I stood in, I pressed my hands up against Ralph's chest and was moving him away.

"Don't make this situation any worse then it already is!" I told them both.

"I'm going to be in my lab." Cisco said storming out.

"I'm gonna be in the place furthest away from there, which is...?"

"The speed lab." Harry told him.

"That's where I will be." Ralph also walked out and I looked between Harry and Iris.

"I'm just gonna go and check he's okay."

I walked out and got to the speed lab. I saw Ralph brush his feet against the floor and sit on the step.

"Knock knock." I said walking in slightly.

"Hi." He said looking up. I sat down next to him.

"What brought that on back there?" I asked him. Ralph looked down and the looked to me.

"I just got angry." I nodded.

"You were a bit of a dick." Ralph nudged me slightly making us both laugh.

"I just, I haven't had friends in a while. Or at least people who don't screw me over." I smiled at him before taking his hand closest to me and intertwining it with my own.

"It's hard. Of course it will be. And you will make mistakes. It's a part of life. But we will be there to pick you back up and help you." I looked to him and put my chin on his shoulder.

He just smiled to me before chuckling.

"Thank you."

"I'm always gonna be here to tell you the truth about everything and help you when you need it the most."

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asked and I smiled.

"You got on a bus. And became stretchy." Ralph chuckled as did I. I looked to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

I pulled away and hovered, Ralph turned to look at me. I smiled as Ralph looked at my eyes and then constantly changed his gaze.

It was silent, but not an awkward silent a nice peaceful silence.

"I'm gonna be in my lab." I whispered to Ralph. I took away my hand from his as I looked away.

"You go and apologise to Cisco. I'll speak to you later." I stood and he grabbed my hand.


"I gotta go." I gave a weak smile before walking out of the speed lab.

"Hey Alexandra?" I turned around and nodded my head at him.

Bang Bang - Ralph DibnyWhere stories live. Discover now