Family Time

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Y/n's pov:
Touring around is so much fun but I miss my family. I'm originally from Florida but I moved when I was 18 to New York to become a professional dancer. Tomorrow is the show in Miami but we all have a free day to do whatever. So instead of me laying around and doing nothing, I've decided to go visit my sisters, brother and dad.

"Are you sure you dont wanna come?" I asked Ari. "Im good love. Go have fun and spend time with them." She said fixing my shirt. "Alrighty." I said. "I'll see you tonight anyway." She said. "Yeah true." I said. "Text me when you're there." She said. "Of course." I said. I leaned down and kissed her lips softly. She smiled after the kiss.

I left the hotel and walked to the nearest train station. Im so happy that my family lives in Fort Lauderdale. Not far from Miami or the hotel we're staying at.

*at the house*

I just texted Ari that I was here. I knocked on the front door and waited. The door opened and I seen my sister Madison. "Y/N!!!" She yelled and hugged me. "Wassup mini me." I said hugging her back. Madison is exactly like me when I was her age. She's only 6 (Y/n was 17 when Madison was born) but she's outgoing, fun, adventurous, sometimes a trouble maker but she knows how to get out of it. That's why I call her mini me.

We walked inside and I was greeted by my step mom. "Hey honey." She said. "Hi mama." I said hugging her. My brother and I have the same mom but unfortunately she passed away when I was just 2 years old. About a year after my dad met Anna and they've been married since I was 4.

"Brooklyn!!" Mama yelled. Brooklyn came down the stairs and rushed over to hug me.
"Wassup sis." I said hugging her. Brooklyn is only 13 (Y/n was 10 when Brooklyn was born) but she's extremely smart and funny. She's got straight A's in all her classes and does 3 extra school activities after school and on the weekends.

"Where's Jacob?" I asked. "Upstairs with his girlfriend." Madison said. "I'ma go bother him." I said. I jogged upstairs and knocked on his door. "Come in!" He yelled. I opened the door and seen him chilling watching a basketball game with his girlfriend. His girlfriend looked at me but he didnt. "So I dont get no love?" I asked. He turned his head and smiled. "Wassup little sis." He said walking to me. I gave him a tight hug.

I missed all my siblings but I missed Jacob the most. We're only 2 years apart so we grew up like twins. He taught me everything I needed to know about guys....until I came out as lesbian. Then he switched and taught me how to pick up females.

"Why you here?" He asked pulling away. "I got a job dancing with someone on tour." I said. "Oh thats dope sis. Congrats." He said. "Thanks." I said. "Not to intrude but you dance for Ariana Grande right?" The girlfriend asked. "Yeah.. How'd you know?" I asked. "Well Im a hugh fan and Ive seen pictures of the dancers and I seen you in one picture." She said. "Im Kelly by the way." She added. "Y/n." I said. "But Aw thats dope that you recognized me." I said. "Yeah you're like famous now." She said. "I wouldnt say all that but thanks." I said.

"How long you staying?" He asked. "Two days. I leave tomorrow after the show. I had a free day today so I thought why not come visit my family. Where's dad?" I said. "Out back enjoying a beer." He said. "Ahh old classic dad. I'll be right back. Nice meeting you." I said then left his room. "Can we go play?" Madison asked. "Lemme go talk to dad then we can go play. I'll take you to the park." I said. "Yay!!!" She yelled running to her room.

"Driving you insane?" I asked Brooklyn as Brooklyn made a face because Madison was yelling. "Everyday." She said. "Aye thats how I was with you when you were her age." I said. "I love her though." She said. "Dont we all." I said. I walked downstairs and went to the backyard.

"Dad." I said getting his attention. He turned to me and smiled. "My first princess is home." He said getting up. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly. My father means everything to me. He was there when noone wasnt. He believed in me when noone wouldnt. He made me the strong independent woman that I am today. "How you been pumpkin?" He asked as we sat down on the chairs. "Ive been good. What about you?" I asked. He grabbed two cans of beer and opened them. He handed one to me and smiled.

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