A Lonely Night

168 28 18

Midnight creeps,
The full moon shining bright.

I lay in bed,
Because of boredom, loneliness and fright.

I am alone.
Somehow, though I'm not quite sure how.
It is the way it is.
Though it shouldn't be.

This heart, that once knew how to love,
is now all cracked up.
Too afraid to even try,
and love someone.

For all I can say, nothing has been fair.
Not love, not pain, not anything else.
But I'm alone, that's what hurts the most.
To cry at night, to hide my tears,
and my fears.

I'm like a lost soul.
Who's wandering around, not sure of anything.
I'm dead from the inside.
I have become a person I should have never been.

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