13 | family

345 31 83

buckle up kids, it's a long one. ;)



"dean, you'll never believe what happened!" i said as i burst through the door of my apartment excitedly. dean was still living with me, but he was working on finding a new apartment.

"where the hell have you been?" he snapped at me from the kitchen as soon as he heard my voice. that immediately sent a bad feeling straight to my gut.

"jeez, what's with the attitude?" i asked defensively, my good mood basically ruined in a matter of a few seconds.

"you can't just leave and not tell me where you're going and how long you'll be gone." he said, crossing his arms.

"yes, i can." i told him, matching his rude tone. "i'm an adult. how many times am i gonna have to tell you that?" i entertained the idea of going to my room and staying there until dean came to apologize because this was getting ridiculous.

"whatever." he let out a long sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose like he'd had a long day. "what did you wanna tell me?"

i stared at him, narrowing my eyes. dean never usually acted like this. "i've got a boyfriend." i said, even though my previous enthusiastic mood had been killed.

"boyfriend!?" his head shot up to look at me. "how long have you even known this guy?" i'd talked about gabriel to dean maybe once or twice, but i kept it to a minimum because i didn't think dean would be the type to want to talk about boys.

"a couple weeks." i said, shrugging my shoulders and making my way to my room so i could sleep off the sour feeling i had in my chest.

"don't you think you're moving too fast?" he asked out of concern. i sighed. i knew he was just trying to look out for me, but i couldn't allow him to continue to treat me like a kid.

"no." i said sharply before closing the door behind me, maybe a little too loud.


i pulled on the last piece of my outfit, my black converse. gabe was taking me to eat dinner with his brother and sister and i wanted to make a good first impression. it was a chillier evening so i was wearing an oversized grey sweatshirt with a fall out boy logo on it, black skinny jeans, and a thin black headband. i looked in the mirror and nodded to myself.

"hey dean!" i asked, coming out of my bedroom. he was lounging on the recliner and he looked up from his phone. "what do you think?" he looked me up and down and nodded his head, impressed.

"it's a big difference from the flannels and jeans you used to sport back in kansas, but it's a good look on you." he said honestly with a smile. i smiled back. we hadn't talked about our fight a few days ago but we both silently agreed to just let it go and move on. dean doesn't quite approve of gabriel and i's relationship, but he's not mean about it either.

i got a text from gabe letting me know he was here and i grinned. i said goodbye to dean and walked out into the crisp night air. gabe's signature black mercedes was definitely noticeable, the headlights were blinding me. i stood in front of the car with my arms crossed and he inched forward, pretending like he was going to hit me. i could see him grinning behind the windshield. i pretending to fall over before getting back up and swinging the car door open, laughing along with my boyfriend.

"i'm suing you for all you've got." i said playfully once the laughing had died down a bit.

"no need." he said. "i'd give it all to you anyways." he grabbed my hand to hold it while he drove with the other and suddenly i was very glad it was dark so he couldn't see me blushing.

big man in town | sabrielWhere stories live. Discover now