4 | dammit cas

390 36 63


i was making my way back home after another morning of work. i walked outside the door and what i saw was so odd that at first i thought it must have been a dream.

samuel winchester.

at the archangel warehouse?

i hid the surprise in my face and stayed still. my brain's first instinct was to say he was here for me, but then i remembered he had no idea who i was. i'd never even met the kid before. i noticed he was wheezing and breathing heavily, like he had been running. good lord, please don't tell me he led the pigs here.

"you running from the cops?" i asked. he yelped and jumped a bit, obviously he hadn't known i was there. once he composed himself he replied.

"um, no." he said and paused. "just had a rough day." he explained vaguely. i didn't blame him, i probably wouldn't be telling a stranger all my personal business either. i nodded.

i noticed he was looking around. apparently he didn't know where he had ran to.

"where am i?" he asked, immediately confirming my suspicions. i had thought this place was pretty well hidden but if some random kid can just come running through here, then i must have been wrong.

"nowhere that you need to know about, kiddo." i couldn't help but tack on the endearing nickname at the end. i couldn't deny that i had soft spot for the boy. it was then that i noticed he was covered in some kind of paint. paint that was the same color as the graffiti i saw. well, if i wasn't convinced before that he made that graffiti, i am now. "what's all that?" i asked as if i didn't know.

"i'm an artist." he replied simply. i wondered if he was just a graffiti artist or if he had other stuff too. he didn't seem to want to elaborate and i respected that. i told him how to get back out to the street and he took his leave, not before giving me an embarrassed wave goodbye. i couldn't contain my poker face at this point. this kid was definitely amusing. that was when it dawned on me.

i let him leave.

if it would've been anyone else that found this secret warehouse, i never would've let them walk out. at least not without ensuring that they wouldn't tell anybody. why should this winchester kid be any different? i sighed and rubbed my forehead. he was doing things to me, i could tell. distracting me. i'd never felt real feelings for anybody outside of castiel and anna. not since junior high at least. why now? why him?

i guess i don't have a choice at this point. i've got to at least befriend him, learn more about him. maybe it's selfish but i've never cared about being selfish before, why start now? but he can't know what i do. i can't drag him into this.

i cursed under my breath and walked back into the warehouse. this is the second time i've stayed late at work just to find out more about this boy.


i was going through his facebook profile again before i realized something. a queer teenager? he's most likely on tumblr.

i loaded up the website and made a random account. the first thing i searched was his full name, and i found his account after not too much looking. his username was samoose, which was cute, not gonna lie.

in a matter of a few minutes i found out he was a homoromantic pansexual, a book nerd, very anti-cop, loves animals, all the basic info. i kept digging and i found a particular vent post where he talked about dropping out of law school. he makes art and sells it on the sidewalk of twelfth avenue. i made a mental note to go by and see his work at some point.

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