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(a few years later, everyone graduated)

Today was a hectic day for Jaebong and of course Minho, after graduation the two boys worked hard and with the help of their parents they bought a space and created their own studio.

The studio ending up providing a verity of jobs for their friends. The studio offered dance lesson, vocal lessons, rap and rap making lessons, and also composing, producing and lyrical lessons.

Today was a open house, they would give some free lessons to give a experience to their future students who might join, they had been promoting the studio continuesly while all the last details were getting sorted out.

Soon enough people came pouring in, people from different ages, families even and the ten boys didn't waste any time on helping out amd answering questions, aside from the 10 boys theg also hired Laun, Seungjun, Yuto and Jaeyoung for dance lessons and Changyoon, and Hyojin for Vocal lessons and Jaebong's cousin Minkyun also came and helped out even bringing some friends along in case they were short handed.

The day ended up being a success and after all the enrollments, Jaebong and Minho decided they might need some more staff since there were to many people compa2to their staff, So they ended uo hiring the friends Minkyun brought along, who are actually a well knwon cover group called A.C.E(don't judge me I love these boys so much) their names, Yoochan, Sehyoon, Byeongkwan, Dongjun and Junhee.

The two boys were really happy and as usual, Minho dropped Jaebong off at home and then went to his, the two were currently apartment hunting trying to find something closer to the studio, and they really just want to live together, they are practically inseparable and when apart they feel to lonely.

Also Jaebong and his mothers relationship had improved but they still aren't as one would imagine a mother and son being, there were so many wounds to heal between them that it might take linger than they expected but that does not mean that they will give up on fixing it.

Jaebong wasn't as self conscious anymore, and had grown to not be scared of everything, he found his little happiness, even though it started one sided and through some secret notes he couldn't as for a better boyfriend, he dearly loved Minho and wouldn't give him up for anything.

Secretly // Stray Kids Lee Know (Minho) (MALE!OC)Where stories live. Discover now