Part 10

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Mimho and Jaebong weren't hiding their relationship but of course not everyone picks up in others behaviour or just assume them being touchy eith each other is just friendship.

But thejr friends new, Jaebong's family excluding his mother knew about them dating and Jaebong never felt as happy as this before but for Minho, Yes he is happy he is with the boy he loves but after the festival no girl leaves Jaebong alone, they are constantly confessing or trying to flirt and Minho didn't think he could get this jealous but he did.

Today was another one of those days, Minho and Jaebong ate lunch together since their friends had made other plans so it was a little lunch date, but not long after them settling in at the cafeteria a group of girls approached them, two of the girl pushed one girl towards them, she held out a letter to Jaebong.

"Sunbae-nim, I like you please go out with me?" She asked avoiding eye contact, Minho huffed annoyed and Jawbong had to stop himself from laughing because he found Minho cute when he acted like this.

"I'm sorry, but I'm alrwady dating someone" Jaebong said gesturing to Minho he grinned proudly, the girl was shocked but understood and left quickly trying to hide her embarrassment.

The days went on in that exact manner and it got to the point of Minho refusing to leave Jaebong's side, he held his hand and kissed him on the cheek sometimes on the lips dropped him off at classes and made sure other saw them so they could get the message that Jaebong was taken.

The two boys haven't even been dating long but many already knew that they will last, they were a cute couple after all, and eventually became known as the schools dance couple, who got pulled into many events at school but they didn't mind the more time they spend together thw happier they are.

Of course not everything was always smooth sailing they did have their fights mainly because of Jaebong's fear of Minho leaving him.

But Minho wanted to guarantee to Jaebong that he won't get rid of him easily, so when they got a little break from school and with Jaebong's fathers permission Minho took Jaebong home with him, to meet his family.

When they arrived Jaebong was greeted with love and a lot of it, and as time passed on it was quiet easy to see where Minho's teasing personality came from.

Minho's parents welcomed Jaebong like their own child who had left home for a long time and has now finally returned home. They spent the night watching movies and eating snacks, getting to know each other and just generally talking.

The two boys shared a bed but neither immediately went to sleep, they just laid on Minho's bed cuddling when Mimho remembered something.

"Ah i got you something" Minho said excitedly and let the boy go, and jumped off the bed, he ran over to his bag and took out a little box and ran back to bed he sat up and handed it to Jaebong..

"it's couple rings" He said nervously when Jaebong gave him a confused look, Jaebong couldn't help but smile.

"it's so you know this is my commitment to you, and I am not leaving any time soon, only when I die is when I will leave you" Minho said smiling.

Jaebong couldn't help but smile, his face as red as a bright red rose,, he gave Minho a peck on the lips before hiding his face, he never mentioned anything about him bwing insecure about their because he didn't want to hurt Minho but once again Minho could see right through him as usual.

The two boys eventually fell asleep hilding one another as if the other would disappear into thin air during the night.


When they arrived back home after visiting Minho's parents they were surprised to find Jaebong's Mother waiting for them, she looked different, instead of greeting the boys with disgust or no emotion she greeted them with a small smile in a apologetic tone.

That's how they ended up in Jaebong's home, in the living room with his father looking at his ex-wife sternly.

"I'm sorry... I was so blind and caught up in what I wanted I never thought about your happiness, when your school was holding the festival... I was in the crowd, you shined so much you looked so happy, and then when you looked at Minho it was as if you were the brightest on stage" She said not daring to make eye contact.

After their fight she did some thinking amd quickly realized how wrong she had been about her son, nothing will ever change him he is happy as he is and who is she to change that? As long as her son was happy even if he didn't forgive her she just wants him to know she is happy that he is happy.

"I understand it isn't easy to forgive me, because I was absolutely a horrible mom to you, but I want you to be happy, doing what you like being with who you like, I hope we can start mending our relationship someday" she said looking up a bit with a small smile.

Everyone was shocked, nobody expected her to say any of those words, and Jaebong was almost in tears because that's all he ever wamted he wanted his mom to accept him, to let him be happy and do what makws him happy.

"let's slowly start building our relationship and learn about each other mom" Jaebong said getting up from his spot on the couch and taking his mom's hand in his.

Jaebong hardly knew his mom, his parents got divorced early on so he also never understood why his mom treated him as he did but if they spent time learning about each other things can only get better. 

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