Part 9

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A week had past and the university was going crazy preparing for the festival, Minho and Jaebong hung out a lot, they practiced together with Hyunjin and Felix, then proceeded to go hang out a bit and even just hung around the cat shelter and played with the cats.

None of their friends found it suspicious, because honestly even if they did try to hide their dates it wasn't hard to see just how much Minho loved Jaebong and it was easy to pick up Jaebong's feelings as well.

Jaebong was planning on telling Minho but he was a little nervous, but he kenw Minho still liked him seeing as he didn't go a day without telling Jaebong just how much he loved him.

When the day of the festival came around there were no classes scheduled and everyone already headed out to the school campus to enjoy it, but Jaebong was still at home his performance was in 4 hours and he still wasn't exactly sure what to wear for it.

He sat on his bed cuddling his cat when there was a knock on his door, he thought at first it might be his father but his father wouldn't knock so he stood up and opened the door curiously, only to be met with Jisung and Seungmin.

Jaebong was quite close with all of Minho's friends but not as close as he was with Hyunjin and Felix, but he did have a sleepover with all of them at Minho's dorm once it was nice, but he was still a little awkward around them, so seeing them in front of him made him a little confused.

"We are here to help you get ready~" Jisung sing-song as he pushed his way into Jaebong's room and Seungmin followed, Seungmin headed over to his closet and started looking for something he could wear, Jisung dragged him to his bed and started messing with his hair and pulled out some make-up and a few other things from his backpack.

It was like Jisung and Seungmin played fairy godmother at that time, but he was thankful because honestly, Jaebong was too nervous to actually even think straight, he had never actually performed in something like this, something where everyone could see him perform, it was a little stressful but he also felt extremely excited because he gets to be on stage with two of his friends and the boy he loves, what can be better than that?

It took about two hours for the make-over to be complete and when Jaebong looked at himself even he didn't recognize himself, he didn't even know he owned clothes like this and where his hair was usually down it was now styled up with some subtle yet viewable makeup he looked completely different it almost made him feel giddy, he just laughed when he saw himself.

Jaebong was planning on going to the festival closer to performing time because he didn't want to bother the others too much, he wanted them to enjoy it but he didn't have much of a choice now seeing as Jisung and Seungmin were busy dragging him out of his bedroom, past his dad and cousin who he could only shout goodbye's to as they gave him a shocked looked not believing it was Jaebong they just saw and eventually out of the door.

They got on the bus that goes to the university and they had both girls and boys staring at them, Jaebong wanted to dig a grave and hide, he wasn't good at dealing with attention and now he was in the middle of it, when they got to the school he practically ran off it and waited for Jisung and Seungmin to catch up, the two laughing at how shy Jaebong got.

They blended in with the crowd soon enough and just hung out for a little, as they were walking Jaebong's phone started ringing, he picked it up without checking who was calling only to find out it was Minho.

"Jisung and Seungmin did some amazing work on you, I didn't even recognize you," he said with a shy giggle. Jaebong looked around trying to see if he saw Minho but no luck.

"Hyung~ where are you?" Jaebong whined, Jisung and Seungmin slowly backed away now that Jaebong was distracted and once far enough they ran, Minho came from behind and grabbed Jaebong's hand which scared the boy a bit.

Jaebong looked to his right and was met with Minho smiling at him "Right next to you" Minho said before hanging up and stuck his phone into his pocket and Jaebong did the same and flashed Minho a smile.

The two boys walked through the crowd joking around and stopping at a few stalls to buy some snacks, it was like a date and neither minded, they were both overjoyed to be there together.


In no time it was time for their performance to start and there was definitely a massive crowd forming around the stage and as nervous as Jaebong was earlier right now he wasn't he couldn't wait to get out on that stage and dance his heart out.

Minho took Jaebong's hand as the four boys headed on stage once they were announced, it wasn't exactly a competition at that, but there was indeed a prize to be won, a chance to perform with a popular idol group on stage and creating choreography for the performance.

The crowd cheered as the music started once the four boys got in their spots and so they began to dance, Jaebong was so focused and in his own little world he didn't even realize who was among the cheering people.

Once they got off stage they were greeted by the next team who went on stage, the four boys stayed there just resting until it was finally time to announce the winners, the groups who performed went on stage, and after the host creating some tension they announced it.

"And the winners are... 3rd year Lee Minho's team" Jaebong looked at Minho shocked as everyone cheered and congratulated them. Minho hugged Jaebong and picked him up and spun him around and at that moment Jaebong couldn't help Himself, as Minho brought him back down he kissed him, not on the cheek as usual but on the lips.

Minho couldn't help but smile when Jaebong kissed him, he returned it happily, since he has been waiting for this for what feels like forever, they headed off the stage.

The two boys were teased by their friends for kissing on stage but they just blushed and stayed silent. after everyone talked a bit and eventually parted ways, except for Jaebong and Minho.

The two already decided the day before to go out to dinner together, they walked together hand in hand to a nearby ramen house and took a seat and ordered dinner, they talked like nothing happened between them.

Once they were done eating, they paid and left, they walked around a bit more before heading home, the two walked hand in hand playfully shoving each other around and joking as they walked. People passing by them gave them sweet smiles, the pure love the two shared easily effected others it made them feel a little bit of hope and a little bit of happiness.

When they arrived at Jaebong's home they headed in and Minho was warmly greeted by Jaebong's father like usual, they told him about how their team won and since it was already really late Jaebong's father insisted on Minho spending the night.

Luckily Jaebong was only a slight bit shorter than Minho and they shared a similar build so lending Minho his clothes wasn't a problem. Minho washed up in Jaebong's bathroom whilst Jaebong washed up in his fathers, the two met again in Jaebong's room.

The two laid in bed and cuddled a little, they didn't speak at all they just looked at each other in silence, Minho sent him a small smile.

"So...did that kiss means you finally like me back?" Minho asked as he runs his hand through Jaebong's hair, Jaebong hummed in response.

"I actually...liked you a while now, I think I just was just so scared that you might leave me so I never thought of my feelings in such a way, but after hanging out alone so much and we actually got really close and slowly I realized that I actually really like you and that kiss was a little way of hinting to it" Jaebong said as he pulled the blanket over his head as he blushed.

Minho giggled at Jaebong he couldn't help but find the boy cute, he pulled the blankets back a bit and kissed the top of the boys head.

"Then... would you like to actually date me? like, be my boyfriend?" Minho asked and the boy nodded his head without making eye contact, Minho felt overjoyed and tried his best to contain it but he couldn't he let out a squeak which made Jaebong look up and giggle.

Minho took his opportunity and kissed Jaebong on his lips, "now we are even" Minho said and giggled once he pulled away, Jaebong didn't say anything and just snuggled onto Minho's chest because he felt like someone set his face on fire.

The two boys laid there and cuddled talked from time to time until they eventually fell asleep, joined by Jaebong's cat who also wanted in on the cuddles.

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