Part 8

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After that day his mother didn't contact him again, although he was really happy about it he also felt quite guilty he felt that he went too far with what he said, but he couldn't just keep quiet when she was speaking in that way about Minho, if it was just about him sure but it wasn't and he couldn't sit there and listen to it.

Since he returned home he can't face Minho he feels guilty because of what his mother said about him, so he just threw himself head first into his work, he would go to school, practice continuously or retreat to the library to hide, then he would head to the studio to give his classes and leave as quickly as possible heading home to the shelter and helped out there before heading home and studying and doing his homework.

At this point, both his father and Minkyun was fearing him fainting again and they knew they had to do something and quick. Luckily Minho did give his information earlier in case they were shorthanded by the shelter, so Jaebong's father secretly contacted him, Minho skipped his last two classes on the day they didn't have work and snuck over to Jaebong's house before the boy even arrived, with the help of Jaebong's father he hid in his bedroom and waited for the boy to arrive.

When Jaebong got home he greeted his dad tiredly and went to his bedroom, when he opened the door he was met with Minho waiting for him, he tried to turn around and close the door but it didn't happen because Minho wrapped his arms around him and dragged him into the room and locked the door.

Jaebong couldn't look Minho in the eyes, he couldn't get himself to.

"Why don't you look at me? why are you avoiding me?" Minho asked and his voice broke a little as he spoke, Jaebong felt pain in his heart as it was breaking, he was hurting Minho... and all Minho wanted was to understand why the boy he started to admire that grew to love started avoiding him like plague?

"I...felt guilty" it came out as a whisper, Jaebong felt his tears well up, he tried his best to blink them away.

Minho gave him a confused look "Guilty? about what?"

"That day at dinner... the thing she said to you and about y-" Jaebong couldn't get a chance to finish his sentence because Minho hugged the boy as if his life depended on it, he found it cute that the boy felt like it was his fault for what happened but it wasn't Minho had gone and provoked the devil.

"You don't have to feel guilty in anyway Bong-ah... I angered her from the start sure she said something but it wasn't the first time I heard them so it's okay, so please don't avoid me because..."

Minho broke the hug and lifted Jaebong's face so they made eye contact," Don't avoid me because it breaks my heart... I can't be without you Jaebong, as crazy as it sounds we have known each other for like three months but I really and I mean really like you" Minho confessed, his face heating up a little.

Jaebong turned tomato red at the confession and he was confused as well, he never thought of Minho in such a way so he isn't sure if he likes Minho in the same way.

"Hyung... I never thought of us in that way" Jaebong said and it was as if the life left Minho's eyes, he got rejected right?

"BUT!" Jaebong said loudly, "this isn't me rejecting you... Maybe we can go on dates or just hang out just us? So i can see if i feel the same?" Jaebong offered and Minho nodded like a child, he was happy... Happy thay Jaebong was willing to give him a chance.


Minho didn't let Jaebong's offer wait to long, as the two boys were heading to the cinema only two days after Minho's confession.

They sat in a couples seat and shared popcorn, and as time passed Minho even progressed to holding Jaebong's hand. When the movie was over Minho surely didn't let go and Jaebong did protest since it felt so right.

They ended up going back to Jaebong's house since his father invited Minho for dinner, the two boys sat onthe couch cuddling and chatting while watching cartoons.

Eventually it was time for Minho to leave, he collected his belongings amd Jaebong saw him out but as Minho was about to leave Jaebong pulled him back, pecking the boy on the cheek with a small smile.

"Hyung, thank you for today, I had a lot of fun" Jaebong said as Minho looked at him in surprise.

The two boys parted ways, when Minho got home he was greeted by his roommates Jisung and Seungmin as well at his three cats but he was still smiling and giddy from the little peck. something

He washed up and went to bed and fell asleep while smiling like an idiot. 

Secretly // Stray Kids Lee Know (Minho) (MALE!OC)Where stories live. Discover now