Chapter six- sam?

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Quick warning- this chapter included words like whore and bitch so if you are not okay with that language be warned. Also this is a long chapter JUST STICK WITH IT ITS GOOD!

Miguel's POV—

I can't wait until karate after school with Ari, when she mentioned it was an old passion of hers I could see her eyes light up, I hope to bring her into it again, give her something she missed and loved. On the bad side classes seemed even longer than usual. Time went by supper slow because I was waiting for the day to end.

On the other hand I couldn't help but see Sam staring at me. I would catch her everyone once in a while abs she would look away I defiantly. it would creep me out. I know I said that I had a crush on her previously but she she started hanging out with Yasmine and the bitchy group. She doesn't seem as kind as she was before. I have heard rumors of her recent attitude and it is mean and snarky, I don't like that in girls.

I was tapping. My pencil on my deck counting down the seconds for class to end. Staring at the clock. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ring. The bell went off and I was quick to gather my things,  packing up my stuff I heading out of my last class and was speed walking towards my locker.

I didn't notice sam behind be until she started speaking.

" hey Miguel! So I was thinking maybe you and I should hang out? As in like a date, I mean I am a catch." She said, there wasn't a hint of kindness in her voice, it didn't sound like a question but more of a demand. Without even looking at her I could feel her eyes piercing through me.

" sorry Sam, I have karate." I said keeping it simple and still not taking my eyes off the things inside my cluttered locker.

" oh, well karate has been a passion of mine since I was little. Maybe I could tag along!" I was shocked. Finally looking at her I thought about it. I am already bringing the girl I like and I want to spend time with her not sam, also I think sensei wouldn't be very happy with me bringing two girls to karate. Not to be weird but I have talked to sensei about Ari, he is like a dad to me so he knows she is my crush. After coming to a conclusion I looked at her and put  on a fake face of sorry and pity. I didn't want it to seem as if I didn't care.

" I am already bringing someone and I don't think my sensei would be very happy if I brought two girls, sorry." I gave a small smile and started to see Sam getting annoyed.

"What other girl?" She asked upset, her tone one of annoyance and betrayal. Before answering I turned back to my stuff. Suddenly I hear footsteps approaching and I can feel my stomach clench, I already know it's ari. The nervousness was starting to build up and I didn't want to look like a fool. Get yourself together Miguel, she is your friend so what is there to worry.

" she leaned against the locker next to mine on the opposite side of sam, " Hey Miguel, ready to head to karate?" I looked at Sam she was pissed, her eyes were twitching and her face was crimson. I sigh inside my head dreading what this is going to become. How do I get rid of Sam? Before I can exit my thoughts I can here ari casually say hi to sam giving a small wave, and afterward Sam goes berserk. She started yelling at ari for ruining plans that we didn't even had together. I slowly back up a little. Panicked I stood there, some of me wanted to see how this was going to turn out, and some of me wanted to tell Sam to back off. The bad side to helping ari is Sam is popular, I would get beat up for even making her mad, too late I guess.

" you little whore! You are just trying to use Miguel to make me upset! Who do you think you are!" Sam yelled, the hall way started to get quiet, everyone's attention was on ari and Sam and I couldn't help but feel like It was my fault.

" woah Sam, I don't know what your taking about? Miguel invited me to hang out with him after school so I said yes! What else is there to the situation? Let it go." Ari said calmly, it didn't affect her, she was still calm and quiet. She didn't start yelling like sam.

" don't play dumb with me you little brat! You know exactly what I am talking about your trying to steal Miguel from me! If you value your friendship I suggest you decline your "hangout" after school!" Sam scoffed, this was a whole new side of her. I had heard that she had become mean and bitchy but I didn't think it would get this bad when I kindly declined her offer to a date. I look at ari to see her face I'm amused to see a hint of shock, she then turns and looks between me and Sam, back and forth constantly like she was choosing between us. All I could do was give a smile of encouragement towards Ari in hopes for her to not cancel our plans that I was looking forward to.

At this point the whole grade had almost gathered around and was watching. Some even recording on their phones. Sam, Ari, and I were all in the middle of it.

" Sam please don't do this, look at what you have become. Do you seriously think Miguel would want to go out on a date with you when you are acting like a spoiled brat. I am not canceling my plans because you said so." Ari exclaimed, a hint of sadness and pity for Sam laced her voice. The crowd around us some cheered lightly and the crowd broke out into people saying " ohhhhhhhh, what are you going to say about that sam?" Or something around that line.

" you know what ari? The whole school thinks you are all nice but really you are not. Trying to come intervene with me and my life for no reason! You are attacking me and I bet others at this school, sure people say your nice but they know nothing about you! Why don't you tell them huh? Tell them about your ex boyfriend Kyle, or your broken life at home. Maybe then you won't be the precious nice girl everybody knows, think again if you want to mess with me because I don't want to go down to a spoiled,controlling, freak like you who's life is so screwed up that they never tell anyone about it, the second you mess with me you are in for a world of hell!" Sam shouts, her face dark and clearly annoyed from the crowd.

Shocked from the loud speech she just gave the crowd was silent everyone was shaking there heads disapprovingly.  She had gone to far. I look to ari to see her eyes red and puffy, she was clearly about to cry. Sam stabbed a wound that must have been deep, sam went in for the kill.

" your right sam, maybe I do have a broken life at home and I don't tell people about it, I save them the pity. But I would rather have that than to be a snarky little bitch who thinks they go around ruining people's day for their own joy. If that is what your life has come to than I am sorry for you, but you had no right to talk about things I keep private to everyone, you have secrets too Sam and I wouldn't want them to get out. If you want me to cancel than I will be the better person and end the fight here."

Before anyone responds she turns to me. Still holding back tears. " I am sorry Miguel but I can't hang out with you after school today." She sighed, a single tear leaked from her eyes. I was there almost crying my self. One of the most emotional arguments I have ever witnessed. I look at the people around us all depressed from what they just saw. Some faces are one of tears others of disapproval forwards Sam. Then the select few like the popular crowd how have smiles and looks of happiness on there faces celebrating on of sam's "victory".

Ari turns and casually walks out of school seeming to have shed only one tear. Frozen in my place I can't move. What did I just see? Was ari really hiding a lot of things from me? Did Sam really threaten the friendship I value most. It was like my feet were cemented on the ground. The only noise was the school entrance door opening and closing. Ari was gone and the halls were still silent. You could hear sam scoff and flip her hair whispering "little whore" under her breath. The halls remained silent people figuring out what just happened processing it in their Brains. Sure the crowd slowly fell apart but people just grabbed their things and left that simple. I pulled out my phone the only thing my body let me do. Still standing into the middle of the hall. Alone, Sam had left with her posey of friends laughing and seeming to be the only ones talking early on.

I opened up Ari's contact -Ari🥰😍- and sent a message.

We need to talk🥺

Again thanks everyone for over one hundred reads! This chapter was juicy as it is really important latter in for the story! Feel free to leave a comment and any criticism. I know this chapter was one and took me like more than an hour to write. It may not be perfect but I wanted to get it out! Thanks for reading! I'll update soon;)

1709 WORDS!!!!!

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