Chapter two - do I like her?

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Miguel's POV

Thanks to Ari I found the office without any problems but I couldn't help but feel ecstatic that I had made a friend. It's just me, my mom, and my yaya ( grandma) alone, all my previous friends at my old school will forget about me and I will forget about them. It might seem dark but my words are laced with truth.

I was currently at lunch. The smell of rotten sandwiches and cheap lunch food was the only thing I could smell. Laughter and voices filled the cafeteria  but I was not paying any attention. What was I doing? Lounging at a table with two other people. Eli and demetri, from what I can see Eli doesn't talk much and is shy, while demetri on the other hand can't stop talking and is loaded with sass. It was obvious that they both were bullied and that the bullying would make its round to me soon enough. It's just time to accept my fate and realize......

That I am the new kid loser.

Aris POV

My first day back at school was ok. Currently I was catching up with a really good friend of mine Aisha. I had previously noticed that there were a few new students. One of witch was Miguel. I feel pity towards him for being the new kid.

While glancing around the crowded and full cafeteria only one table seems pretty empty. From first look it's Miguel, Eli and Demetri. All of witch were my friends.

" are you just going to stare, or actually go talk to them girl," Aisha spoke, whilst poking her salad with her fork as if she was disgusted to eat it.

" haha, not very funny. As a matter o fact I will go over there," I giggle before violently standing up and laughing with my friends. After cleaning off my jeans quickly with my hands I trotted over yo there table before taking a seat.

"Hey Eli, Demetri!" I each have them a smile and a nod. Eli shyly looked up and flashed a small smile before tugging his head back down. While Demetri started to run his mouth.

" Arrrrrrriiiiii! my good friend Ari. What a wonderful time to run into you. In case you didn't know we made a new buddy. His name is  Miguel, SEE ARI, I can make friends!" Demetri shouted while pointed in Miguel's direction.

I turn and face Miguel he looks nervous or uncomfortable so I decide to break the ice.

" well Demetri, I actually have already met your New " buddy" Miguel so I don't have to introduce myself."

"You did? Well I don't care"

" silly Demetri, you do care just afraid to admit it," I laughed I heard a quiet chuckle from Eli and saw a smile from Miguel.

" so Miguel tell me about yourself, your a mystery to me, simply the new kid" I turn my full attention forwards Miguel placing my chin on the palm of hand against the table.

" well um... my name is Miguel, I uh just moved here and that's about it." He sighed. Still nervous.

" cmon silly! Everybody has a story so what's yours?" I pushed on.

" I'm I guess mine isn't that interesting"

" what ever you say Miguel, I hope you guys have a good lunch, I'll see you around!" I smiled and started to get up. I just gave a and a smile to everybody, feeling accomplished I turned around and walked back to the table confidently.

While back at my own table I took a second to glance back at Miguel, his features were prominent, good looks, tall, maybe a little muscular, hard to tell. Did I think Miguel was cute?


" so what can you tell me about Ari?" I asked Demetri seeing that Eli doesn't talk much.

" shes one of mystery" Eli stared  dramatically. I gave him the stink eye and flat expression before pushing him to continue.

"Fine!" She is friends with all, kind and sweeet to everyone no matter who you are except a few. Specifically the grade bully kyler." Demetri pointed to a guy that not surprisingly looked like a jerk. " everyone knows  who she is because she is everyone's friend, though no one in this grade is more than that. Except this one time....." he started trailing off but it was just getting good.

" go on....."

" believe it or not she actually had a boyfriend once, some kid who doesn't go to this school anymore he got expelled. It was a rough relationship witch explains why Ari hasn't started dating again. Something to do with abuse, no one really knows the story." Demetri sighed dramatically making a big point.

Ari was really nice, and beautiful. She had healthy dark amber hair that shined in the light with pale blue eyes that twinkled while she walked. Preferably the hour glass figure but still slim and thin, and not a stick. Her skin was a fair porcelain but not too pale. It honestly shocked me to find out she is single. Do I like her?

I finally finished the chapter! It's getting to the point where they might have feeling for each other but in time, in time my friends. I am not that proud of the chapter, it was kind of a filler but it is still good! Feel free to leave feedback or comments hope you enjoy!

860 words

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