Chapter three- getting closer

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Ari's POV

After school I couldn't help but think about Miguel. In a way it frightened me, after my previous boyfriend I didn't really think about dating at all or have any interest in any guy, but Miguel seems like he would be the perfect boyfriend... I think.... my type at least.

He has good looks, and is really nice, what else could you ask for. I don't even know what I want. Maybe I should slow down and just focus on being his friend. Ya.......


Miguel's POV

After school I went to karate, I started taking lessons because some idiots beat me up and I want to defend myself. I think I am actually getting somewhere, maybe with my new moves I can impress girls.... like Ari. She seems really nice, but I don't know much about her. No one does, she is a mystery. The only thing I know is her beauty and kindness, but what else could you want?

After the lesson I rode my bike home. I don't have a car or my license so I ride my bike pretty much everywhere. On my way home I see another biker on the path. She has long hair that is wiping around in the wind, it seems so familiar.

Do I know her? She takes a turn and I catch a glimpse of her face, of course, just my luck it was ari. She was riding her bike around.

The only thing that baffles me was she was heading in the same direction I was, did she live by me, of course that would be a good thing. I decide to catch up to her.

Peddled faster I can feel sweat collect on my forehead. Finally I started to catch up.

" hey ari!" I shouted. I could see her jump slightly and almost loose her balance. She turned around and glanced at me, a small smile forming on her face. She could tell I was tired so she started to slow down, witch I am thankful for.

"Hey!" She smiled. A small giggle escaped her light pink lips. It was common for her to giggle and laugh, she always has an optimistic attitude.

" I saw you from a while back, I was coming home from karate and I didn't expect to see you."

" ya, do you live around here?" She questioned,

" Ya! I live in apartment a1 just ahead in the large apartment complex , do you" I responded.

" really? I live on the top floor, in apartment c3, after all this time I didn't even know you were my neighbor!" She laughed. Her angelic laugh always made me smile.

" ya I never knew," I laughed along with her. After the laughter died down It was a peaceful silence. The wind continued to wisp through her hair, almost as if it was creating an extension of her face.

The sun was starting to set filling the sky with pastel blues and pinks. The light reflected over her clear skin making her face look painted with colors. Her simplistic smile on her face had my whole attention, but her sweet voice brought me out of my trance.

" race you!" She laughed. Her legs speeding up quickly her almost leaving a trail of dust behind. Her bike speeding farther away from me by the second.

I immediately smiled and began speeding up too. Almost able to catch up she reached the "finish line" just before me.

"Come on!" I shouted a hint of anger and disappointment laced my voice. I could only here her laughter as she locked up her bike.

" I was so close to winning." I sighed.

" nah-ah, I beat you by a mile."

" you wish, so um what do you want to do now that we know we're neighbors." I asked.

" my dad is gone on a business trip so do you want to hangout at my place?"

I nodded my head and followed her up the metal stairs of the building. She opened the door ahead of me to reveal a nice apartment. It is beautifully decorated with a homey feeling. It was definitely larger than mine, the top floor was known for the better apartments but I never was inside one. She lead me down a long hallway to a door that had the letters "Ari" is pastel colors and flowers on the front. The decorations definitely fit her personality.

Inside her room it was spacious, a full sized bed and very clean.

" do you want to watch a movie?" She asked bending down to reveal a cabinet full of movie CDs, I turn my head slightly to see a small tv on the wall.

" sure"

Time skip until after the movie————————

While watching the movie I couldn't help but stare at ari, she was beautiful. The movie was interesting I guess, but I am so glad that ari and I are getting closer.

I want to ask her out but should I? Sensei always says to strike first and strike hard. The two first rules of cobra kai, should I do it?

Ari was putting away the CD and putting on some music around her room, she had a vintage record player and I actually really liked it.

" hey um Ari........"


Cliffhanger! I hope you guys like this chapter! Thank you for the people who are actually reading this fan fiction, feel free to leave any comments, will Miguel ask ari out? Stay tuned to find out!

Also it's summer so I am going to be updating even more, the next chapter might be put out tomorrow! I think I have also finally found a photo that fits the description of Ari!

952 words

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