"Aw, come on! I haven't even given my idea yet" Both groaned in response, waiting for her to continue. Ochako paced across the room, leaving a pause to accentuate a dramatic effect.

"Why don't we go out? The three of us! There's this really good restaurant I heard about nearby" despite offering something relatively harmless, Katsuki was the first to shoot her down.

"Are you insane, Pink Cheeks? Or maybe high? You know how insane my fans are, not even mentioning yours or Shitty Hair' "

Eijirou fidgeted with a checkered bandana holding back his wild locks. He chewed on his bottom lip, staring at both of his friends. "I mean.. Bakugou has a point. But is there really harm in going?"

"Exactly! We can just bribe security into escorting us or something!" The brunette exclaimed, her chocolate colored eyes staring down at both in plead. "Baku had a bad day.. can't we have some fun? We can also celebrate another successful day for Kiri"

"Don't call me that, Pink Cheeks—"

"Then don't be whiny for once and come have some fun with us!"


"Guys! Can't we just listen to Uraraka? I mean.. she's right. There's no harm in having fun for an evening— I think. "

Eijirou rubbed the back of his neck. In the end, he agreed with the brunette. He tried wording it in a way it wouldn't offend or further anger Katsuki. It was the last thing he wanted that day.

With the redhead also giving the blond a pleading set of scarlet eyes, Katsuki threw his head aback with a groan. He muttered a wide arrange of curses , only to deflate in the end.

"Fucking fine. You two win"

As the two smiled and replied in many "thank-you's". Katsuki zoned out for a moment, directing his attention to his cell phone. A light blue icon lit up, and then another one, and another one. Why am I getting tagged so damn fucking much?

Katsuki gritted his teeth and scolded himself for not turning off his notifications as he grabbed the device. He snarled at his phone, seeing more of the usual crap he had to put up with on a daily basis: rumors, interviews, thirst tweets— you name it. How the fuck do they have the audacity to tag me on these?

Nothing really caught his eye. Everything seemed average . That is until a certain post began showing up notification after notification. What's up with this?

Like the curious man he was, Katsuki mindlessly pressed on it, crimson hues glossing over the black text. Hell , did he regret reading that.

"What the fuck is this?"

- ( 🍒 ) -

"For how long are you going to keep staring at your phone, (y/n)?"

I SWATTED SHOUTO AWAY FROM BEHIND MY SHOULDER as he struggled to snoop in on what I was doing. Izuku was hunched over his desk, probably studying. The mumbles and excessive note taking was a dead give away.

For the last three or so hours I've been trying to type up one of those fancy iPhone note YouTuber apologies— the ones no one really takes seriously. And so far, it was a disaster. This was literally just a misunderstanding! Why are you over complicating this? Just say it was a typo.

I chewed the inside of my cheek. Indecision was eating away at me. What do I do? Do I just let this die? I was still being relentlessly attacked by his fans, calling me a 'fake fan' or many other names that aren't really too great.

"You're overthinking. You should really do something more productive" Shouto mumbled, his cheek pressed against my shoulder as he reassumed his position behind me. He was met with a pillow to the face, and soft grumbles from him. Someone is moody today.

"Leave (y/n) to it, Shouto. You know how stubborn she is. Though... he's right. As someone who's had a fair share of scandals you should just post the facts— easy and simple. It's genuine, and just people believe what they want to believe. Say your truth and all." Izuku chimed in, speaking through a yawn.

"You two don't get it! It's Katsuki Bakugou I'm dealing with here! No matter what I do I'll get ripped to shreds. And he's my idol. I just.. don't want him to think I genuinely said those things. . ." I looked down at the blank screen, hovering my thumbs over my customized keyboard.

"But aren't you angry about his reply? Even if what you wrote was disrespectful, his reply really did cross some boundaries" Shouto deadpanned. The frame of his glasses pressed again the curve of my neck. I craned my head to look at him , noticing how he was glaring down at my phone.

"I mean.."

You don't like my content? Fucking fine. But don't go shitting around with my co-workers or me. Go get a fucking life and stay off the internet, retard

I winced at the sting of his words, or — text. I had looked up to Katsuki for as long as I could remember knowing his content, and his harsh reply more-so broke my heart. I should be angry, but I wasn't. It was the internet in the end of the day.

"Okay.. what he said was pretty messed up. But I'm more hurt than angry, being honest" I sighed, pouting. They both knew I was more of a lover than a fighter. Izuku spun on his chair, turning towards us with a stumble.

"Just get it over with. Rip off the band-aid!" He encouraged, his forest colored locks bouncing with him as he stood up. "I think I've had enough studying for today. I owed you a milkshake, so let's go out!"

Shouto looked at me and nodded. He lazily got off me, yawning. "I agree. You're dwelling too much on this. Simply get it over with, and accept Izuku's invitation"

"Who said you weren't coming with us? You're not getting out of this that easily!" The freckled male exclaimed, snatching his keys from the holder. "It's all or none here! You wouldn't want to discourage (y/n), would you?" He taunted, smirking as he rattled the keys in his hand.

Shouto sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I suppose not.. fine , I'll accompany you two."

I stood from the couch next, slinging my arms around his chest, and nuzzling my cheek onto his back. "Thank you, Shou! You won't regret this" I cooed. He cleared his throat, hastily nodding.

"I bet I won't. . ."


1k reads in two chapters?? You people are insane woah. Thank you so much for the reads and comments! I'm very grateful for all the support I've been receiving with this book.

This chapter will be dedicated to my angels BakuGoAwayPls & geminisadistic , which are very good friends of mine that have been supporting this book since day one! (Plus they kinda threatened me on dedicating this to them or they'd shack me— jk I love them anyways)

Thank you all for reading this ! And have a nice day/week.

typo ( k.bakugou , t.shouto ) Where stories live. Discover now