Chapter Two: Chaotic Confusion

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Little Mix:Women Like Me
Insecure but I'm working with it
Many things that I could get rid of
Ain't about to give it up

I made a few mistakes, I regret it nightly
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The cab ride was a long one. A smooth journey soon turning into a bumpy one-both through the tarmac and the decisions whirling around in Weiss's thoughts.

Nonetheless, the journey continued. The driver happily humming along to the tunes playing from the radio, often tapping his fingers on the wheel to the music's rhythm. This would usually create a calm positive atmosphere, one which Weiss was envious of not having. Only if she could enjoy that feeling.

A feeling she knew was long gone-for now.

However, as the dust run vehicle moved forward, Weiss knew this was a new start for her. A start that was full of doubt.

After mindlessly staring through the cab windows, the environment around her began to change. No longer pristine streets, the hardly lit road had become dark, not a single soul could be spotted outside of the vehicle.
Dark box outlines of the buildings could be spotted if you squinted. Which was something Weiss knew she was looking for.

The vehicle slowed to a halt and the driver looked more nervous than before, "are you sure this is the place, miss?"

Hesitating, Weiss replied "Yes. Yes, it is."

"Very well. The full fare is 56 lien, please."

Weiss nodded handing over the lien from her pocket, then she hesitantly left the vehicle pulling her belonging's with her.

The white cases stood out in comparison to the dark sky's that enveloped around her. The cab slowly began to move and Weiss's light source had disappeared with it.

Shuffling through the gifted case, a vile filled with red dust was collected. Opening the vile, Weiss held her palm out. A classic trick she was taught at the age of 5 from her beloved grandfather, before his passing.

The dust tingled in her palm but, was not alarming. Closing her eyes Weiss concentrated in that feeling. Grasping onto it and allowing your soul, your aura to control it.

"Allowing it to be alight like your soul, you have to feel that spark. That burning feeling inside of you-the one that makes you a Schnee!"

Weiss opened her eyes, in her palm was a burning flame.

"Bravo, my granddaughter. You are truly a Schnee..."

The words of her grandfather allowed her to be able to feel the emotion-the love and mourning she felt for her grandfather. That emotion guided her to complete a simple take-even if it took minutes to complete.

Weiss's smile soon faded along with that momentary happiness. Even if her face looked blank, her eyes were full of determination.

Picking up her belongings and finding her steps, Weiss kept her arm out using the light to lead her way.

The gravel path underneath her feet let out a crunch with every step but, Weiss was attentive. Looking for any sign of life, the girl from the cafe. However, the night air was silent-not even creatures lived on the edge of Atlas. Abandoned and abused land, used for profiting... warehouses, factories and abandoned cells.

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