Chapter 2

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Your sleep didn't last as long as wanted it too, being woken up by a stinging, foul smell. "Finally awake?" You looked at the direction of a voice. It was one of the women from the day before. Your eyes widened.
"W-where am i?" "Ask yourself something else. What did you do to get here?" "I-i don't understand." "You killed someone. A person that was the target of our latest contract. A kill.. That you stole from us. And you will have to make up for it. Turn around. There are three.. Well, rather four people. The dead man over there was the last guy who crossed our plans like that. One of the three has a contract to be killed. But wich one? Choose wisely or you'll end like him."
You turned around and nearly puked. The man was already heavily decomposed and the smell seemed to get even worse. "You have ten minu-" You stabbed the woman in the middle to death, causing quite the blood-spilling over your clothes and the wall.
"That was quick. But was it the right one?" "You told me to kill and i did it. Can i please go now?" "With how you look? The guards would throw you into prison immediately. But i think i have somewhere you could go. Follow me. Be fast and silent, then we should have no problems."
You did everything she said, mostly because you didn't want to get into trouble. "I-is it still far?" "No, it's right over there." A creepy door was blocking your way. "What.. Is the music.. Of life..?" "I-i, uhm.. The flute, maybe? Or sin-" "Silence, my brother." "Welcome.. home.."
It opened and she let you inside. The others were there too, chatting and laughing. "This is our sanctuary and the safest place you can find." You looked around in the big cave.
"You brought him here?!" "Arnbjorn, you are my husband, but i am still the leader. And i can decide who joins. Now come on boy, introduce yourself." "I-i, uhm.. I'm (y/n)"
Crazy laughter came from an upstairs room. "He is here again?" "We couldn't stop him, Astrid. And we need him, he is the keeper after all." "The keeper?" you were a bit confused.
"We have a patron, you see. The night mother. She is.. Not the woman she used to be, if you understand. The keeper cares for her." "O-ok." You put on your new clothes. 'I look strange i them. Or maybe i'm not used to it after this long time?'
When you were done the door behind you crept open. You shot around, but there was nobody. You turned back and bumped into someone's chest. "Found the intruder." a giggle that could come only from an insane person was ringing through your head.
You didn't dare to look up at him. "Cicero loves playing hide and seek. You're next." He was gone just as fast and quiet as he came. What just happened?

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