Rias:let's just say I'm trying to get away from a certain burnt bird

Asia:by that you mean a member from the phenix clan right?

Rias:um yeah how did you know?

Asia:when you said burnt bird I thought of the legendary Phoenix and since your a devil then that burnt bird you were talking about must be a devil also so I thought back to the 78 pillars and remember the pillar of phenix which is the only pillar that matches that sort of description


Y/n:Anyway since your going to stay with us you have to act as a maid here

Rias:why a maid?

Y/n:cause asia is already a secretary and I don't want  to have more then one forcing me to pick favorites


Asia:Anyway Rias please follow me to go get your uniform

She say while getting up then dragged Rias to wherever she was going

Y/n:by the way if you two want you can join your king and live here but you also have to be a maid. So which would it be

I say while talking to akeno and koneko who stared at each other for a moment


Right now I was stairing wide eyed at Rias, akeno, and koneko who finally got back to the living room to show what they now wore

Right now I was stairing wide eyed at Rias, akeno, and koneko who finally got back to the living room to show what they now wore

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Y/n:... Asia were there any cat ears and tails in there changing room?

Asia:I don't think so but maybe koneko brought her own pair

Y/n:what kind of person brings a pair of cat ears and a tail around with them?

All she did was shrug her shoulders which made me let out a small sigh

Y/n:ok then anyway since you three are now dressed for the part you can now go do whatever you want just don't break anything

With that I went back to the garage only to see ultron appear with slight terror in his robotic voice

Ultron:h-hey mr stark

Y/n:... what happened

Ultron:w-what do you mean what happened? Everything is completely fine here mr stark

Y/n:first of all your stuttering when you start a sentence something you never do. And Second your calling me mr stark not just stark or y/n like you usually do. Now then tell me ultron. What happened

Ultron:... *sigh* ok I'll be honest. while I was finishing up the suit and was about to get the last two things we need a couple of stowaways from those two universe's hitched a ride on my armor and are currently now on the other side of the wall when I tried to keep them away from here and are ready to bust out

As soon as he finished I heard a loud bang coming from the other side of the wall

Y/n:... um how did you-

Ultron:I used one of the suits many reality stones

Y/n:oh. Anyway since we got a few stowaways why don't we go use them for practice for the suit

I say while quickly grabbing the armor in question then watched as it turned to something similar to liquid and cover my whole body. Once I was covered by it the liquid changed into the suit while I tried to move in it only to move as if I was being slowed down by the time stone

Y/n:oh my g-What's going on now?!

Ultron:maybe the suit is so powerful that it's incredibly difficult to move it with only one mind controlling it

Y/n:that doesn't even make sense!

Ultron:your in a suit made out of basically the god of gods, have multiple pairs of infinity stones on the said suit and it has the power of a god and the technology of one. If sense still affects it while it's made out of all of that and more then we clearly didn't do a good job at making the suit

Y/n:that's true but still how am I going to fight in this?

Ultron:... stand still


Ultron:I said stand still

Y/n:I'm moving so slow that I may as well be standing still ultron!

Ultron:true. Anyway whatever you do don't panic

Before I could say anything to him I suddenly felt electricity going around my suit. After a while I could finally move it at regular speed and a hud screen appeared infront of me which shows all of the weapon's and powers this thing has

Y/n:ultron what did you do?

Ultron:I transferred myself into your suit which was RIDICULOUSLY difficult thanks to those firewalls you made

Y/n:sorry but I didn't want to take any chances

Ultron:Anyway if I'm right then with both of us this suit of ours can actually use everything it has and more

Y/n:well then let's see what this golden suit of ours can do

(So what do you think Good? Bad? Meh? Tell me in the comments)

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