Fake It 'Till You Make It (Or Not)

Start from the beginning

Natasha concluded that when she saw Spidey train, she would be able to learn more.


Flash couldn't believe his lie was going so well. Tony Stark himself hadn't even batted an eye when he had shown up, even without the Spider-Man suit. There were, of course, complications, like if the real Spider-Man ever actually showed up. Although he was practically doing the guy a favor. Anyone that secretive about their identity would probably be excited about a distraction for the media.

"Hey, kid," Tony had greeted as Flash had walked in. He was at a loss for a few seconds, before figuring that since Spidey and the Avengers had been on many missions together, they probably knew each other quite well. "Hello, Tony," Flash said casually. When the man looked up from his work, he did a double take. "Whoa, kid, what happened to your eye?"

Flash paused. He had beat up Parker earlier today, but that would definitely not go over well. So he decided to formulate a lie. "Well," He said hesitantly. "I- well, I get bullied." Tony stopped. "Who?" One word from the billionaire, laced with hatred and deadly curiosity, only confirmed what Flash was about to say. "This kid named Peter Parker. But it's fine."

Tony nodded. "I'll pay a visit to the kid. Warn him off of you. You are Spider-Man, after all."

Flash hid a broad, triumphant grin.


Peter dropped his backpack onto the chair as he walked into the living room of his and May's apartment. He knew May would flip out - he had a bruise over his eye, similar to the one he had left on Flash. He also had a split lip and a cut near his temple. Of course, he was also bloody and battered, with bruises patterning his abdomen and face. Peter had pulled a hood up over his head to attempt to hide it - as long as he didn't have to look at her, she may not notice. He'd just have to keep his head turned away.

"Hey, Aunt May," He said, entering the room. "Mr. Parker," A voice - a very familiar voice - came from the couch. Peter halted, desperate to look and confirm who he was seeing. "U-um, hey," Peter said awkwardly. There was a silence. The man was probably waiting for him to turn around. "I'm sure you've heard of me," Tony Stark said conversationally. "I have," Peter replied carefully.

What was the meaning of this visit? Was it something to do with Spider-Man?

Or something to do with Flash?

Peter's Spidey Senses were throbbing in the back of his mind, so it definitely wasn't a casual visit. Mr. Stark got up in a way that was probably supposed to have been silent, but Peter could easily hear the stepping as if the man wasn't even trying. He was walking toward Peter, and right when the man was right behind him, Peter stopped. He heard Tony moving his hand, likely to put it on his shoulder. Of course, there was a horrible cut on his shoulder, so that was probably not the best decision. Instinctively, he flung his arm up and caught the man's hand a few seconds before it touched Peter's shoulder.

Tony paused. "Ms. Parker? Do you mind if I talk to your nephew for a moment in private?" "Go ahead. You can go to his room, down the hall and to the right."

That was a terrible idea - Peter had a mirror in his room, and there would be no hope of hiding his injuries. "Actually, we could go-" "That sounds great, ma'am," Mr. Stark interjected. Peter started to turn to glare at the man, before realizing that was a terrible idea for two reasons - one, he was a billionaire, and two, he would see Peter's injuries prematurely, and May would, too. That would result in the immediate death of Peter, and possibly of Flash. The billionaire moved his other hand to steer Peter toward his room. As soon as they entered, he shut the door behind them. Peter looked pointedly at the floor, still trying to hide. "Kid, look at me. There's something serious we need to discuss."

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