The wolf with emerald green eyes

Start from the beginning

"Most are far too eager to admit to it."

"That must mean you aren't Royalty either," Stiles grinned over at Derek.

"So it must," Derek agreed, leaning out to touch the fountain water.

Before Stiles could respond, Derek was tossing a small handful of water at him.

"Oh," Stiles yelped as the cool water sprinkled across his face.

Derek erupted into laughter before being interrupted with water to his own face.

The two laughed as they wiped the wet from their skin.

"I like you dear wolf," Stiles sighed then.

"Does this mean you will tell me your name?" Derek asked eagerly.

"I'm afraid I cannot, and I'm also afraid I must be going. It's late and I'm likely missed."

Derek dropped his eyes in disappointment. "Will I ever see you again?"

"I'm afraid I don't know. Neither of us are to be here, so perhaps you and I were never to meet," Stiles knew that falling for someone who wasn't Royalty would never be allowed. He was almost certain this mystery wolf was not a Prince, as he'd said many were too eager to claim such a title.

"I understand," Derek nodded though his tone sounded disappointed. "Thank you for allowing me your company." He then placed a kiss on the back of Stiles' hand before giving a bow.

Stiles reached forward and placed his lips to the wolf's cheek. "The thanks is mine."

With that Stiles slipped away.

When Stiles returned to his room, he laid on his bed staring up at the dark blue canopy and as he drifted off, he dreamt of the wolf with emerald eyes.


It had been nearly a month since the masquerade ball. His father had never discovered Stiles' disappearance much to his relief, but he often thought of the mystery man he'd spent the evening with. Today he was particularly distracted as the dream he'd had that night was vivid and wild and felt so real Stiles had been disappointed when he woke to find it only a dream.

"Now, I want you to be on your best behavior. Queen Talia is coming here on important matters involving our treaty. We're to renew it and I don't want anything to jeopardize that, understood?" Stiles' father spoke earnestly as they made their way down the stairs.

"Yes father," Stiles agreed with a huff.

"She's bringing her son Derek Hale. I expect you to show him around and make him feel welcome."

"Yes father," Stiles gave a roll of his eyes. He had done this same thing a thousand times with other prince and princesses. He hated it with a passion. They would pretend to be interested as he would pretend to enjoy their visit. It was all monotonous and cliché.

Stiles' father helped Queen Talia from her carriage before helping who was presumably her son.

"Queen Talia," Stiles gave a bow. He'd met her a few times before, but this would be a first for her son.

"Stiles, I'd like you to meet my son, Derek," She gestured to the man his father was helping out.

Stiles bowed and when he looked up, he froze. A dark haired man with emerald green eyes was standing in front of him. He swore he knew those eyes. The eyes of the man he'd spoken with at the ball.

Stiles blinked a few times, unfreezing as he gave Derek a smile, "Pleasure."

Derek didn't speak, he only gave a curt nod.

"Stiles, perhaps you can show him around while Talia and I handle business?" Stiles father encouraged.

"Right, of course, please, follow me," Stiles held his arm out for Derek to take.

Derek allowed Stiles to lead him out towards the garden. He always started with he garden. It was the easiest thing to talk about. However, Stiles remained silent. His mind was racing. Could this Derek really have been the man he spoke with at the ball? Stiles wanted to ask him but was too afraid. What if he wasn't and Stiles was mistaken.

"Stiles. That's an unusual name," Derek spoke up finally.

Stiles stopped suddenly. That was his voice. This was the wolf. There was no way it wasn't. He must not have recognized Stiles.

"I-it's a family name," Stiles stuttered out.

Derek pulled from Stiles, unlinking their arms gently.

"Is that why you wouldn't tell me what it was?" A smirk played on his lips.

Surprise crossed Stiles' face, "You remember?"

Derek reached up, his thumb caressing Stiles' bottom lip, "I could never forget a mouth like yours. I had wished so badly to kiss it that night," His eyes fell to Stiles' lips.

"Why didn't you?" Stiles asked his eyes not leaving Derek's.

"Falling for someone who I'd never see again is too hard. I didn't want the reminder on my lips."

Stiles nodded in understanding.

"I believed you to be someone other than a Prince and yet here you are," Derek released Stiles' lip and gestured to him.

"You too are a Prince," Stiles noted the Royal red coloring covering Derek now.

"Does that mean I can kiss you now?" Derek asked his eyes back on Stiles' mouth.

Stiles leaned forward without answering, his lips barely brushing over Derek's.

Derek stepped closer, catching Stiles' lips firmly against his.

The kiss was simple yet sweet.

"I guess you were wrong," Derek spoke as he pulled away, causing Stiles to frown. "We were meant to meet after all."

Last prompt for the Sterek Bingo challenge!

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