Chapter 4

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Welcome back and thanks to those who have commented I enjoy reading your questions and thoughts as it helps me improve and helps you have a better reading experience. Their might not be major character death cause I'll cry if I write that, unless you want a separate chapter at the end for a more langsty ending. Anyway enough rambling and let's get on with the chapter.

'yay' writing on the notepad/ thoughts "Boooh" regular speech

Pidge POV

We walked down the hall and got on the elevator going up to Lance's floor. We heard one of the Altean vacuums being used as we stepped off onto the floor Lance's room was on. His door was locked manually from the inside so we had to knock on his door and hope that he answered and wasn't too busy. But why was he cleaning, wasn't his room clean because of the castle too? Unless something happened and it wasn't cleaned up here. Yeah that's got to be the reason.

Lance POV

I was vacuuming, cause I clean when I'm sad it's strange but true, when I hear knocking on my door. Who could it be no one usually comes up here at all. I unlocked the door and open it to see pidge and Keith standing at my door. "Lance can we come in for a bit we need to talk to you." I nod and let them in remembering to grab the garlic knots from my floors kitchen before they burned or cooked more than necessary. I also grabbed some of my homemade butter that I made from Kaltenecker and an altean butter knife I snatched from the kitchen and went back to the room where I saw them sitting on my bed I growled at them because I don't like people being on my bed. They got off and sat on the double hanging chair that appeared instead of the single egg chair that was here before. "Now we wanted to ask you about this, Keith found it on the floor after you left the training room and was wondering about it so he asked me if I knew what it was made from or what the cause of it appearing was. I found it to be made from a power and that's why we came looking for you to see if you knew that you had a power." I grabbed a notepad from my side table and a pen from my desk and wrote something down before showing the two of them the message. 'Yeah I know about it.' "For how long though? And why did you keep it a secret?" 'I haven't know for too long, only around a day and I wanted to train so that I could use my powers properly in battle.' "Ah see that makes sense, don't worry you can tell the team when you're ready, if you actually get to training rather than dancing on the training deck." He stood and went to the door waiting there for Pidge to join him. "He's right Lance others train during the day and unless you use the training deck for it's purpose then don't go in there at all." She walked away with Keith talking about some battle strategies and fighting techniques while walking down the hall. I closed my door and locked it before sliding down and hugging my knees to my chest. 'Why doesn't he lift the Alpha command having it on one person for too long can seriously hurt them, I guess I don't matter enough then. Never have never will.

-flashback to when lance was six-
TW:child abuse

I was huddled in a corner cold and hungry yet no one in my family cared. My d-I mean my lord has banned me from speaking because I had defended a kid at school from being bullied by an Alpha. I've been stuck in this basement for five days and my dad has given me a bucket, scraps for food and a dog bowl full of water that he refills every 4 days. I know this because I've had this treatment a lot more than anyone could think of. I hear my dad enter the house along with his work friend whom all seem to be drunk. I see the basement door open and three men and my father walk down the stairs. I curl even more into myself trying to cover my body that is very exposed at the moment. I'm only wearing lace panties that don't cover anything and I hate it cause then I know my father will use me in ways I don't like. "So this is the Omega brat, you described him to be obedient so let's see if what you say is true and how good he is."

lance and his alphas powers AUWhere stories live. Discover now