Chapter 5 (E)

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Edits: 1

"You have gained my attention child, what is it you seek?" A woman's sensual voice filled his head with its power and intrigue.

Grimor shuddered as he realized what had happened. He had accomplished what he had set out to, he had garnered the attention of a goddess. In this case, the goddess. He tensed, his knees practically knocking together even as he sat upon them. He was a seasoned warrior, well somewhat seasoned, yet he still felt the urge to soil his pants at the overwhelming power that enveloped him. Was this what it was like to speak to the gods directly?

"My lady, I come before you humbly in search for aid. We are in a desperate situation and should we lose here the fate of the..." He started to explain quickly but the goddess cut him off,

"I know what is at stake child, do not forget who I am. What are you willing to exchange for one of my children?" He paused, he was already well aware of the danger in her offer. She would want something significant there was no doubt. She was famous for her high regard for her children, she would drive a hard bargain surely. What would he exchange? Truth be told he'd give his very life for his prince, and there was nothing more sacred than that to the gods.

"Your life it is then. The woman I will send to you has a grand destiny to play in the world if you are all to survive the coming storm. She will need a loyal guard, and I need new blades in the night. Swear your soul to me, serve my daughter as her personal guard, and you shall have the aid you seek." His heart nearly stopped. He was prepared to do anything, or he thought he had been. He imagined her asking for his blood as sacrifice, or even his life, he was willing to die. Even though it wasn't death she asked for it was similar enough for a man like him. There was no time to ask permission from Bromyr, nor Floki. He had moments at best. No time for questions, no time for bargaining, no time at all.

"I... I will if we survive this. But if we die this night then my soul remains with our ancestral goddess." It was the only bargaining he could manage, he only hoped the fickle goddess of night would accept his terms. He waited with a pounding heart, painfully aware of every precious moment slipping by as the sounds of vicious battle continued around him. The longer he wasn't fighting the more risk his comrades faced of loosing everything.

"Hmm, I could deny you... Leave you to die and hope that Fate may step in and correct this blunder... But I am not feeling cruel tonight. Consider it done, she will arrive before Asha rises above the mountains. You will have the honor of meeting the Hound, my most prized assassin. I hope you realize your incredible luck, dwarf, for very few who contract with her survive." The goddess didn't have to tell him, he knew the title well. Hound, or the Hound rather, was a renowned assassin of grace and skill. More than that she was famous for her brutality and stealth, the number of people who knew her face could be counted on a single hand as rumor had it. The only things the people seemed to know was that she had a mane of flame-like hair and her glowing red eyes. Well that and the fact that the Hound was a woman.

"Thank you, my... Goddess. Your kindness shall not be forgotten." He wasn't certain how to give her the proper thanks or respect for her intervention, however she didn't seem to mind.

"I am not yours and you are not mine until daybreak dwarf... But consider this a mutually beneficial deal. One day you will understand, and when you do I think you shall stand all the taller and more proud for your sacrifice. Now stand and fight with your brothers, do not let the dragon egg slip away from you at any cost." He could feel when she disconnected from his mind and soul leaving him cold, shocked, and weak. She knew about their mission, more than that she didn't want them to fail. Bromyr had been right when he told them about the importance of his dreams.

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