Chapter 4 (E)

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Edits: 1

Waking up in the mornings was always a bitch, and to Talia waking up at one in the afternoon still counted as morning. When one bleary eye managed to open she was already well aware of the sun peeking through the slats in the window shade which was mostly broken to begin with. She groaned, rubbing her face and attempting to piece herself back together.

She had challenged Astor to get her drunk and so he did, or at least he got her filled up with some semi-fine ale. Her head wasn't splitting per say, but she was coming to terms with the fact that her limits had been tested. She sat up from the crikety bed, cracking her neck, knuckles, back, knees, and elbows in her normal morning ritual. Once she was loosened up she rose from the strained bedframe to stretch and finish waking up. She hated the way the sun felt against her skin, warming her up even more.

Once she was finished acknowledging her hatred for daylight she took a moment to look around the room. It was the same one she always stayed in; Astor kept it reserved for her at all times so it never changed. The bed was a typical hay bed with some sheets she had brought to keep there. It had one dingy pillow and blanket, nothing more. The room also had a desk, chair, and small closet in it where she could store her things. In all the years she had served Hephatus she had only stayed in Kvark a small number of times, she was certain she could count each one on her hand. Yet, as with most places, she preferred to keep it in perfect shape for any time she could happen through. Oddly enough her travels brought her to the badlands often enough to make it worth it.

While moving about her room she noted that Astor was sprawled on her chair leaned back against the closet. She cocked an eyebrow as she observed him, feet in the air and head against the ground with an empty mug of ale in his hand. He looked a fool; his mouth hung open with a line of drool slowly flowing down his face and pooling on the floor by his hair. How did a human in his condition manage to fall asleep in such a position? And why had he tried to keep up with her drinking? She took a moment just to ensure he was still breathing.

With a sigh of relief after his chest rose and fell a few times she contemplated waking him and making him leave; though considering the state of him and his establishment she doubted he'd bother her at all. In fact she was certain not a single other living soul was in the building, it was odd but she wasn't terribly worried after hearing about the state of the town overall. If he was closing down the people had to know he didn't have anything left.

Talia eyed him warily, he was certainly very unconscious, not even a snore escaped him. Instead of leaving him to suffer on the floor she scooped him up casually and carried him down the stairs to his own room. He would likely thank her at some point if he survived his dalliances into his own alcohol supply. She was uncertain how he would fare, as she lifted him up he felt like nothing more than a feather to her.

His room was tiny, nothing but a bed and a dresser occupying the painfully small space. She laid him down on the mussed blankets and checked his pulse just to be sure he truly was still alive. After that she slipped him a few more gold coins for good luck and made her way back to her room. She was monster certainly, but Astor had been loyal, friendly, and helpful to her throughout the years. She could afford him some level of kindness even if he wouldn't live long to enjoy it.

Once back in her room she attempted to secure the blinds a bit better to block out the sun. She wanted to sleep some more, perhaps spend a day recouping from the hardship of riding and working so long. Yet no matter how many times she laid down and curled up within her nest of blankets she couldn't quiet her mind or still her heart.

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