Chapter 13

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Before Kyle died he said what he wanted the 2 names to be if it's a boy and I said I wanna the girls name to be hard to pronounce so they would be special. Any way they are 2 beautiful girls and there name is Nishkia (nis-ke-a) and Shifah (shif-ahh) I think... there cute names (lol my 3 BFF in real life Shifah, Nishkia and Sophia :) ) !

Connor says there names should be Hollie and Alisha but hell naw there my kids! we live in a small flat summer, Sophia and sam share a room I have my own room with the twins (identical by the way ;) ) and Connor sleeps in his own well on the couch in the living room because he can't handle the girls crying!

-----------5 years later-----------

I will never forget him.never. he will always be in my head. sum,soph and Sam are 9 years old they remember what happened to Kyle and hate Connor for that but nishk and shif think Connor is there daddy!

I don't blame them they are 5 years old. Connor ain't letting the kids go to school. it's a never ending nightmare ! I always have dreams about Kyle I remember when we were making love and creating these 5 angels! I remember when we got married and ohh. I am now on my bed trying to sleep.

I checked the time 05:34 argh after a few minutes I was in a dream with Kyle.

I got hick ups

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