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"Come again?"

Lisa inhales her breath as deep as her lungs capacity allows her to, then exhales it as long as her patience requires her to; dealing with Kim Jennie has tempted her temper one too many times, and she wonders if the woman even wants any help or if she understands the cruciality of their situation even the slightest. And now it is just as if the woman has an impairment hearing because Jennie seems to miss everything she tells her—about things she must and must not do during her attempt of keeping her head low and away from the eyes of those she wishes will not catch her in sight, whilst forcing Lisa to try to explain to herself about why she should not just throw Jennie out into the maze and let her suffer there for a while.

It has been two days. Gone is the awkwardness, all Lisa wants to do now is simply choke the woman sitting on her couch. Lisa can only wonder when Jisoo will come and collect this pain-in-the-arse distant relative of hers. Jisoo came to her asking her to hide the woman, but after two days of keeping the woman, there is still no sign of Jisoo coming there any time soon.

She should have not committed any of that hassle.

Still, although Lisa does not understand, why she even bothers trying to help the woman and being a kind-hearted person she has never envisioned herself to be, she knows that everything they have done will end up in smoke if the Kim Jennie herself refuses to cooperate. To hide from the public eye simply means you need to be out of the radar, and to be out of the radar you must live as if you no longer exist, which is exactly what Jennie must do. But probably Jennie is not ready to say goodbye to the life she had before that instead of paying attention—because her life is basically hanging onto it, it feels a lot like the woman is mocking Lisa instead, asking her in the kind of disbelief that Lisa does not believe to be genuine, to repeat herself for every single thing she tells the now-annoying Kim.

"I said you couldn't wander about at least for these upcoming three months, you'd need to stay as low as possible, not going out and about doing God-know-what, that you simply couldn't escape the city, and most definitely the country if that was what you had in mind," Lisa tries to re-explain the things Jennie needs to be aware of patiently, as patient as she can—which is not much to begin with, at that point she is just about to give up and let the woman do shits as she pleases.

But if she lets her be then things will definitely fall into chaos; the escape will just unavoidably fall through and it will definitely be bad for Jennie. And it will definitely drag her down in the process too, but Lisa cannot care less about what kind of shenanigans she will face, she knows what she is about to deal with the moment she signed a spoken deal with Jisoo, otherwise, she would not be in the kind of scene in the first place. Jennie on the other hand, well, honestly Lisa does not know what will be of the woman if ever she is found by The Kims but she is quite certain that the scenario will involve Jennie being dragged back to the hell she tried to escape from. In all and all, the alternative ending of the scenario is not favourable.

And Lisa is not one to let her effort go to waste just because someone cannot pull her act together.

Jennie seems to be a bit too unbothered and as much as Lisa refuses to admit it, Jennie's indifferent act does grind her gear. The woman just ran away from the life she had known before on her wedding day. Even if she came from an ordinary family, she should at least try to do damage control, what is more now that she comes from a family that is particularly far from the word ordinary. But instead of freaking out, Jennie just opts to keep herself busy by munching a sandwich Lisa made her earlier that morning. In Lisa's eyes, the woman clearly does not know the serious shit she buries herself into, slowly making her wonder what it is for her indeed.

Is it worth all this?

Because nothing adds up to her sense anymore. Plus, Jennie looks like she is making it her life mission to make things harder for Lisa. Jennie seemingly does not want her help, probably because she has no plan on staying there for a certain period. Little does Lisa know, the reason Jennie chooses to act like a brat is because she does not want to just sit around and wait for someone else to once again force her fate into her presence. She is done being at the other end of the verdict regarding her life without being able to stand at the side where she can decide it herself. She has escaped her life before all this, she is free. She can do whatever she wants to do and all there is she wants to do that comes to her mind is just that she wants to run.

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