chapter five : trust nobody

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riku worried himself thinking its ment in a good way or a bad way . at first he didnt believe it but when he tought about it made a little sense , there is just something that its making it complcaited , who throwed the books down ?

when riku shearched through the libary he didnt find a singel trace . he wasnt going insane right ? no he wouldnt he is too stabel for that he kept that thought in his mind and simpely walked to his bike where he saw kaito , he greeted him with a wave and a smile but kaito just ignoryed it hidding his black hair behind his chappicon and walking off

"whats up with him..?" riku tought to himself " he wouldnt hate me right?? " riku panicked a little at that thought as sana walked to riku greeting him with a big hug " i got you !" sana said with a big smiles she grabbed him tight and squized him a little almost crushing his bag

" owh hi sana ! could you pleas let me go pleas" riku almost begged it. sana stopped idmitly and apolized to him .

---------------------------------------------------kaito pov----------------------------------

i blushed slightly when i saw riku smiling at me" he is so damn cute ! i cant bear it almost stay so silent to him i just wanna kiss his stupid face so much ! " i thought to my self watchimg around the conner blushing . i sighted in love at riku he is just so cute...


riku walked home with sana and they parted their ways going into their own houses . riku yawned and layed down on the coughs and fell right away asleep. when he woke up he felled to softness of a cat by his hands could it be ?

-------------------------------------------author note-------------------------------------

just a smoll chapter for you guys UwU

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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