chapter four: secrets

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im so sorry that i didnt publish so much im just so busy so here is part 4

pleas dont hate me ;-; and some swearing comes in it so be aware

---------------------------------------riku s pov-----------------------------------------

i finally wake up by the sound of my alarm going off and i found a strang creauter sitting on my bed i almost jump up from fear but i stayed putt and slowly crawled out of my bed walking fast to my closet and changing fast in my uniform and walking down repearing my lunch for the break and packed my things . i walked outside jumping on my bike and ridded to the school


riku came on by school and setted his bike away and walked inside he sat down  and fell asleep on his bag. kaito looked in the libary for new books he could read and learn more about his new fangs in his mouth they werent very long only as long as a kittens fangs but you will never know when they grow bigger but without succes kaito failed to find any info about his new fangs. he walked back to his locker only to find a letter taped on to it , it was a stund agine of those bullies who bullies kaito all for 2 years and he finally snapped " YOU M*THERF*CKERS ! " kaito said while looking at the bullies and he saw that they  began to burn with blue flames slowly their flesh  dripped off their bones and they died , kaito watched in horror  almost throwing up from the sight and  he dashed away going to his class and just sitting down and trying to get those memories out of his head , he only knew that satan could controll the blue flames , he isnt the son of satan !...right ?. that was the question that kaito only could ask himself all those time he was sitting in class slowly  watching the minutes go past .

-----------------------------------------------------------time skip----------------------------------------------

when class was finally over riku walked out  of his class walking to the libary where he saw for some reason... spirits ? " Is this a thing that centars see ?" riku asked himself . he shook his head and walked to the place he always sits . he pulled his favo book out and began to read and from some reason books started to fall on his head . he looked at the books and they were laying open on certant pages the first letters  and what the word was : your not alone. riku

how could somebody know his name he was new in the city so how....?


hi my peeps sorry that it took so long i  didnt had so much imagegen so my brain just stopped working well see you by the next one !

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