chapter one : first day

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this is my first story so yeah im still learning XD but enjoy <3 

our cast  for this part



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----------------------------------------------first day----------------------------------------

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----------------------------------------------first day----------------------------------------

its early in the morning and a little of the sun shines on Riku s head until it burns a little. Riku wakes slowly up from the sun while he remembers he needs to go to school. 

"owh no im late ?!" Riku screamed while getting fast up and panicked while he was doing his cloths on. 

"and even on my first day !"Riku grabbed fast his lunch and his bag and jumped on his bike and rided to school.

finally when Riku came  by the school, he  raced to his class and was greeted by the teacher while he was introduct to his classmate s . Riku was about to sit down but saw a boy with sea blue eyes and  black hair like dark nights. Riku blushed a little but shook fast the feeling  off.

---------------------------------------------- after the class------------------------------------------------------

Riku questioned himself where that boy was he saw in class . his own hair is brown and has 2 different eye colors he saw much people a girl with blue hair and white eyes , a boy with white hair and white eyes ,a girl with blond hair and red brown eyes and much more

 everthing is here so different  everyone s hair is a little weird and their eyes too. thought riku to himself 

 riku heard the bell go and grabbed his bag and rund  to the sport field becaus he had gym 

riku changed fast into his gym cloths and he was the  first one  so he goes to run a little and for some reason he was faster then normal 

suddenly riku sees the boy with black hair looking at him behind a corner riku walks to him but the boy suddenly disapeard

 "where is he... "riku asked himself

a girl tapped on riku s shoulder and said in a sweet voice . "are you looking for kaito ? he is very shy to new once s " . she said while smiling

riku turned  around and said. "kaito ?" it was like he heard that name befor but where.?

-------------------------------------------------author note---------------------------------------------------------

i hope you enjoyed it all <3 

im not so good with english so if i make mistake you know why well see you at the next chapter :3 

and cliffhanger >:3 

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