Whatever Happens Advice #6

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You have to make your characters AND your readers feel something. If your characters seem like they are robotic(aka seem to have no emotion) then your readers cant connect with the story because they feel nothing to the story.

Your readers need to connect with the characters, they need to feel some type of way about the characters. Whether that's love, hate, annoyance, anger or sadness, 

YOU HAVE TO MAKE THEM FEEL...or your just not doing your job as a writer and that sucks... 

Some readers rely solely on their emotions and even if your spelling and grammar are shit, they will still love your story if you make them feel something while reading your story! 

So always remember, EMOTION IS THE KEY!

The most number one thing in a story, at least I think, is the charterers, their feelings, and how the characters make YOU feel!

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