Tripp took a deep breath to try and settle his rattle nerves. "Tell me what happened."

Ivi shrugged her shoulders. "That's the thing, Travis. There's really nothing to tell.."

Ivi recalled that day's events and went on to explain to Tripp what happened. She admitted that after she realized who it was she bumped into, she was afraid. But for some reason, Ivi knew that Theron wouldn't try anything. At least she hoped not. Not around all these people. The small inclination that this could turn into a mass shooting or something like that creeped into her mind, but she put it at bay.

Ivi wasn't about to cower at Theron anymore. She'd been handicapped mentally, emotionally physically and spiritually since his attack on her. She had made so much progress in the last few months, she wasn't about to let him take that away from her. Ivi stood her ground firmly, facing him head on. She would have to do it one day in court, why not practice now?

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" Ivi asked boldly.

In the solid minute Theron stood there, unmoving, not saying anything, Ivi saw an array of emotions going across his features. In his eyes. Empathy, sorrow, even fear. It was weird and comforting somehow to see that Theron actually had a conscious. But was the point. "You know what you've got your nerve coming here..."

Theron cut her off. "I'm sorry."

Ivi wanted to spew words at him. Saying it was too little too late, but in the next second, he turned and walked away. Leaving Ivi stunned.


That was it?

Talk about anticlimactic!

Ivi shrugged again. "And that's all that happened. I didn't feel the need to tell you because nothing has happened since then.."

"Except for the nightmares." Tripp interjected, after taking the short encounter in. He shook his head. "You should have told me what was what, Ivi."

"I know. But knowing you, you probably would have tried to put me under lock and key.."

"You damn right! You and Sparrow wouldn't have went anywhere! I would have gotten a permanent restraining order against that nigga! Still am! It's bad enough that Speedy is out on bail You wouldn't have..."

Ivi shook her head. "That can't be the solution, Travis. I can't...we can't live like that." Ivi reasoned.

"But what if he would have sought out Sparrow? You can try and fend for yourself, but she can't. Don't do that anymore. If he makes contact in anyway, I want to know about it!"

Tripp had a point. Ivi hadn't thought about Theron trying to get to Sparrow. She'd take heed to his words. "Okay. And we can get the restraining order."

"Good. Now..." he said leaning against the bathroom counter, " wanna tell me what your dreams are about? What happens in them?"

"I can't really remember, honestly." Ivi said sitting on the counter next to him. "All I know..or feel when I wake up is a since of dread. Like whatever happened in the dream manifests itself when I wake up. But once I realize it's not real, it goes away."

Tripp nodded. "You don't have to worry, baby. I would never let anything happen to you or Sparrow." he said wrapping his arms around Ivi.

Ivi pecked Tripp's lips sweetly. He returned it. He rubbed her back. "Come on, let's go back to bed. We have a big day ahead of us."

"It's just a birthday, Travis. You don't have to go all out like you did for Sparrow's 9th birthday." Ivi chastised.

You would have sworn Sparrow was the Princess of the world. She sure felt like it. Tripp bought Sparrow everything under the sun. Had the party of all parties. It was so huge and spectacular, the news and a plethora of social media apparatuses covered it. Jumpers, water slides, fireworks, magicians, her favorite music artists. It was outrageous...and ridiculous in Ivi's eyes. But Sparrow loved every minute of it, so who was Ivi to crush her little girl's dreams.

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