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Filler add! Really good stuff in the next one! Enjoy!

"Tripp put me down. I can walk on my own." Ivi grumbled while Tripp carried her.

"I'll put you down when we get in the house. We've been through this so I don't know why you acting...Hey! Chill out." he yelled when Ivi squirmed in his arms, trying to let herself down.

Ivi rolled her eyes as Tripp basically adjusted her over his shoulder so that he could open the door to his condo. Ivi looked up from the top of Tripp's toned ass to frown at the chuckles coming from Adele and Tucker. They were there to help them get settled in.

Her face bounced off his body as he trotted through the door and down the hall with her. Ivi had to check for whiplash from Tripp hoisting her up and down like she weighed nothing, until her bum was finally placed on the cushiony seat of his sofa. She glared at his back he walked toward his room to put her things away.

Tripp convinced Detective Chalmers, a little too easily in Ivi's opinion, to let her move in with him..just until she was better, Tripp said. The doctor put her on bed rest for the next two weeks with no over exertion of any kind. And absolutely no stressful or charged environments.

That was all the fuel he needed in his campaign of caring for Ivi. But it was becoming frustrating very quickly. Tripp was treating Ivi like a fragile infant at times. She had only been out the hospital for two hours and Ivi was about ready to burst a blood vessel with all of Tripp's attentiveness. He wouldn't let Ivi walk on her own. When they took her to lunch, because she was so over hospital food, Ivi almost had a fit when Tripp fed her.

Tripp's gestures were cute, but damn! She felt like an invalid.

Adele sat next to Ivi as she straightened her legs out, so Tripp wouldn't try and prop her feet up. "He means well, you know? He just wants to take care of you."

"But I'm fine Mama A. He doesn't have to treat me like I'm made of glass. I won't break." Ivi reasoned.

Adele sighed, looking her straight in the eye. "But I think he will if something was to ever happen to you and he felt like he couldn't do anything about it."

Ivi stared, blanked face. How was she suppose to respond to that?

Thankfully she didn't have to. Adele changed the subject. "So...are you nervous about next week? Seeing your dad for the first time in years? Meeting your daughter?'s still hard for me to say that in the same sentence." Adele said flabbergasted.

"Me too." Ivi agreed. "I'm not really nervous. Terrified fits better. I'm better with seeing my dad but...what know...she doesn't like me..."

"She'll love you, sweetie. From what you've learned, it seems like your father has told her about you. I'm sure they are all good things."

"I hope I can live up to them." Ivi said, sounding not so sure.

Adele rubbed her leg assuringly just as Tripp came walking back into the living area. He had magazines, blankets, snacks, and a plethora of other things. He made a forte around Ivi and put all the items within arms reach of her. He nodded his head once he was done with his work. "Now, we're all set."

"Are you going to be sitting up under me the whole time I'm on the this bogus bed rest crap?" Ivi harped.

Tripp ignored her and took a seat on the couch, placing her feet in his lap and turned on the TV. Tucker and Adele looked between each other before laughing more at the scowl on Ivi's face.

"Y'all need to tie the knot already. Act like an old married couple." Tucker cracked.

"Key word in that statement is couple, which we ain't as 'she'..., "Tripp said sharply, " eloquently pointed out today before we left the hospital. So marriage is def not in the picture." Tripp grumbled.

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