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"Look it, Mimi! I big boy! Weeeee!"

The smile I had on my face was ear to ear. "Yay! That's my big boy." I cooed watching my 1 1/2 year old grand-baby slide down the slide in my backyard. I loved spending time with latest addition to our family.

He came as surprise to my son, being Asher was a product of a one night stand, but regardless of him being conceived out lust instead of love, he was our family's pride and joy.

The weather was perfect today for outside activities. Asher loved the outdoors. And he loved coming to play in my backyard, because it was big. He felt like he was at a park or something.

I adored watching him run around. The way his juicy cheeks bounced as he ran around reminded me so much of his father at that age. Cute as a button. I helped him up the slide again and cheered triumphantly when he made it to the bottom just as my cell rang. I scooped him up in my arms and headed back towards the patio.

"Hold on, Asher. Mimi needs to get this."

I ran to the other side of the yard where I'd left my phone charger on the patio table because it was about to die. Asher giggled hysterically at the way I bounced him up and down as I ran. I almost faltered in my steps when I saw who was calling however. I did a double take at the number.

He hadn't called me in years. 5 to be exact; the last time inviting me to his former step-son's wedding, of ex wife number 2. Said we all were family. Yeah right! I hadn't seen him in almost as long, so I wondered strongly why on earth would he be calling me? Maybe he was trying to tell me he was dying. Good!

"Hello." I answered.

"Adele still sound as sexy as I know you look on the phone."

I flooded my eyes at his sly comment. "Travis Chalmers, the Snake Charmer. I see you're still living up to your name."

His haughty, brusque laugh filled my ear. "And you're still sassy as the day I met you. I always did love that about you...among other things."

I could see him vividly in my mind, licking his plump lips and lower his long eyelashes into a smoldering look that once made my knees go weak. Focus, Adele. "What do you want Travis, I'm busy taking care of my grand-baby."

"Ah how's my grandson doing? I haven't seen him in so long. Tuck brought him by a while back when he came to pick him up from that little girl's place. I bet he's big now. Last time I saw him he was just learning how to walk." Travis said.

MY grandson is doing just fine. Walking, talking, breathing." All the things I wish you weren't, I said to myself.

"I heard that little comment in your head. Stop trying to put me in the grave, woman. You know your mean ass is gonna croak way before me." Travis said with a chuckle.

"What do you want, Junior?" I asked, livid that after all these years, he still knew me more than I wanted him to.

"Oh you mad, huh? Calling me my nickname." He chuckled that irritating laugh of his.

I adjusted Asher on my hip. He was getting fidgety because he wanted to continue playing. "Look I'm busy right now and don't have time to deal with you and your foolishness..."

He only giggled harder. "Yeah you real mad. Getting that rise out of you. Tell me this though, Adele. You still wet your panties when you mad at me?"

"I'm hanging up now!" I said placing my thumb on the end button. Bastard knew too damn much. But I was madder at myself that even after all these years and the bullshit he put me through, he still had that affect on me.

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