The Beyond

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Hi all! So this idea was kinda stuck with me since I beat and cried to FFXV: Episode Ardyn. This is a little ending I just so happened to think about. Enjoy and thanks for reading my fanfic! Means a lot!

10 years later:

"" a voice began.

"Amy...." a male voice called out to the young MT. "Damn it, Amy, get up already!" that voice that belonged to Gladio called out for the girl. The MT rose from the ground as she was knocked down by a daemon while they were on their expedition. Groaning, the girl, pushed herself off from the ground as Gladio fended them off "get up. You're a fighter, not a quitter, are you?" Amy sighed as she summoned a tonberry and commanded it to attack the other daemons "....I'm not....Mr. Izunia would be disappointed in me if I was.." A loud gun shot was heard and behind her, Prompto ran up to her as he scratched the back of his head "well, you do know he vanished without a second thought, right? Surely, there's no telling if he'll be proud of you or not." The white haired child, well... teen, clutched her fist as she shot out a spur of the Scourge out from her hand "I know!" a sudden flash of memories appeared before her crimson eyes as she remembered the time she last seen Noctis and Ardyn. She frowned as she simply remembered the last time she spoke with him.

Tilting his hat forth, the chancellor bid a temporary farewell to the King of Kings as he slept inside the Crystal. Just as Ardyn turned around and faced off Ignis, Prompto and Gladio, he was viciously struck. Only to walk it off as he had no initial use for the bros. Leaving the Keep, the usurper stepped down the silent halls, his footsteps echoing, but he stopped shortly as he seen a familiar young girl stand before him "Well, did you lose your way, my little MT?" Ardyn asked. Amy furrowed her brows as she ran up towards her friend "what happened to the Prince? Why did he vanish inside that big rock? Aren't you going to help him, Mr. Izunia?" she asked as she embraced the older man with a hug around his waist. Ardyn eyed down to the girl as he kneel before her "Just so you know, I have nothing for helping him. The boy is on his own and he will claim the Crystal's power. All so which I will find and destroy him when he's ready. So I can have and perfect my revenge." Amy tilted her head as she looked at him "he did nothing to you,. Why are you going to end him??" Ardyn simply answered with "Ending the royal bloodline is all I care for. Then, I'll be free from this never ending curse" that stung the child. Amy somehow understood what he meant. Amy looked at the man she knew for a few months "you want to be free and that's why you need Prince Noctis?" Ardyn smiled down at the girl as he strolled by her "yes. Perhaps I'll take you home with me" with that, the chancellor vanished as Amy looked back.

Back to Lucis, Ignis acquired Amy's help uncovering mysteries about daemons and going on multiple side quests. The blind adviser sighed as he adjusted his glasses "Amy. we're going to need more information of the Hunters we met back in Cleigne region. Think you can join me" Amy nodded as she walked with Ignis "Yes, Sir Scientia." Reaching the Cleigne region, Ignis and Amy stumbled upon ancient ruins. The teenage MT had a bomb light her path as she approached the place "this place seems pretty old. All abandoned, see...." Ignis felt his way around with his movements and called out to the girl "Think you can uncover the mysteries behind these ruins? You're a daemon, you can call one of them to help us out" complying, Amy nodded her head and summoned a imp and a red iron giant "Then I'll look for more clues in the dark. Please stay safe, Sir Scientia."

Just as Amy left with her daemons, she couldn't help but look around the ruins and get a familiar feeling being here. Somehow these ruins felt familiar to her, but couldn't quite figure out as to why that is. These were paths Ardyn once took two millennia ago, but due to the Scourge being within her person, she shared vague memories of the long forgotten distant past "could this be why I somehow know this place?" as she followed the narrowed path, Amy stumbled upon a room held with ancient artifacts, picking up a document, she read through it. She grew shocked when she read a familiar name, who was once a healer but was long forgotten in time: Ardyn's. As she read through it, Amy shook her head as she thought for a moment "Like Prince Noctis' name. But how...? Is that why Mr. Izunia wants to destroy Noctis?" stuffing the document in her coat pocket, Amy ran off towards Ignis.. The teenager ran up to Ignis as she held the papers in hand "Sir Scientia....Why does Mr. Izunia want to get rid of Noctis?" Furrowing his brows, Ignis peered at the girl "what do you mean?" Amy read the document and thoroughly explained "Ardyn Lucis Caelum, the praised healer of the Starscourge. Praised by the People of Eos. Long ago, when he arrived to sit the throne, he was denied by the Crystal, exiled by the Founder King and executed..." pausing for a moment, she looked at Ignis "MY friend? Impossible. Mr. Izunia is ageless then? Immortal even. Astrals.... I want to save him!" The adviser shook his head "And how do you suppose you'll do that? Amy, you haven't seen him in years. Heavens, not even spoke to him. How can you be certain you can save him?" Amy gritted her teeth as she stepped forth "I can try tracking him down. I have to try and be useful to him! I'm his special friend, am I not?" sighing, Ignis held his hand out, only to reason with her "alright. Then lets regroup with the others in Hammerhead. We'll think of a way to help your friend, the chancellor, then."

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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Special Child (A FFXV OC fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon