Chapter 4

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The very next day, Ardyn had treated his MT out for breakfast in Lestallum. Most civilians wondered how a small child could accompany the likes of the Niflheim Chancellor. Unaware of him being able to pay for the food expenses and such, a few people offered to pay for Amy, while Ardyn had a slight poker face written all over his cold features. 

Ardyn sighed as he sat on the bench as he faced the look out to the once burning meteor. He crossed his legs out as he rested his arms upon the top of the bench. The chancellor glanced at Amy, she played with the moogle Ardyn bought her from a stand. The older male hummed in thought as he watched the girl play "MT?" Amy smiled as she stopped shortly and looked at her guardian idol "Yeah, Mr. Izunia?" The man nodded as he held his hand out towards the girl "dare I ask you; are you not bored? You're quite on your lonesome here and what if I am not here with you? Perhaps having a friend to accompany you for the day will do you good?" The white haired child blinked as she looked at Ardyn "What do you mean? I'm not bored, see," she held her moogle and looked at her friend "this is my friend besides the daemons." Ardyn fixed himself on the bench and nodded "very well. How about I have you play with the dear Prince himself? If I am not mistaken, he is on his way into retrieving a royal arm, there is a massive playground in a ruin for you and him to play in." Amy's crimson eyes widened in awe as she got up close with the chancellor "Really??? Oh! Can I go play with the prince?" smirking, Ardyn nodded his head as he placed a hand on her head "allow me to send a signal to the nearest magitek trooper and have them escort the boys to Ravatogh. Come, let me escort you, my little MT"

Hours upon hours later:

It was sundown. The heat from Ravatogh made Noctis and the others groan in disgust as they pulled into the caravan into the night. The caravan A/C wasn't strong enough to withhold the heat "Now why are we here for?" Noctis grumbled as he sat on the couch in the van. Ignis sighed as he repeated himself earlier "we are to find one royal arm. And that is located in the depths of the volcano. But we should wait until night fall, hoping everything would be cooler going up the trail" Noctis nodded as he lied down "fine. Wake me up later then"

Around 11pm, the bros were dead asleep. Well, were. Especially Noctis. Noctis woke up to a knock on the window over him "....what...?" he grumbled, only to see a small child happily waving at the boy "it's the prince! I see you!" quickly sitting up, Noctis looked out the window as he rubbed his eyes "what the hell......why is she here?" the small MT motioned her to follow him as she skipped off towards the rocky ruins "where are you--" his thoughts got cut off as he seen a iron giant standing before her, a hand on the massive rock and it kneel before her with a hand on the ground "come on!" without a second thought, Noctis ran out of the caravan and warped towards the girl "damn it! Be careful with that thing!" he yelled only to watch the daemon escort the girl to the top of the rock. The MT giggled as she looked down to Noctis "Its okay! Mr. Giant here helped me up, see!" Blinking, Noct looked up at the giant and warped towards the young child "that daemon didn't hurt you, did it?" Amy smiled as she shook her head "No, silly. Mr. Giant is nice! Now, come on! Mr. Izunia told me of a fun playground near here!" she exclaimed, sliding down from the rock and made her way down towards the ground. Noctis sighed as he slid down as well, only to run after the child. 

Running and catching up towards the girl, Noctis furrowed his brows as he looked at a mysterious ruins standing a few feet from them. He continued to run as he caught up to Amy, who was running up the ruined stairs, grabbing hold of the girl "hold it right there!" the girl laughed as she panted as she ran out of breath "what? I think this is the place he told me about" Noctis looked around to see a gap before them missing "let's go over there!" Amy pointed to the other side of the ruins. Perfectly in tact. Jumping across, Amy wiggled herself out of the boy's grasp and walked around "looks a bit scary, right?" her eyes scanned the ruins as she looked at a well guarded wall, with a bar missing and made out a massive button glowing on the wall "hey, prince. Look at this. Pretty scary huh?" Noctis walked and stood behind her, jumping through the small opening, he reached a hand out for the girl "come on. May be a little dangerous for you" Amy smiled as she took his hand and followed him in.

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