Side Chapter

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Just months passed as Ardyn took the pleasure of having to leave Niflheim.
For the time being, Ardyn decided to take refuge at the Leville in Lestallum. Seeing that the man on the front desk greeted them as they (Ardyn and Amy) entered. Ardyn walked towards the receptionist as the man behind the desk greeted them
"Greetings. Will you be acquiring a room tonight?" The chancellor nodded "yes. But I'm here more for her. Seeing that she's a dear poor thing. You could say I'm treating her out." The man looked over the chancellor's shoulders to see a small girl, half Ardyn's height. Her Snow White Hair with red clips to hold her bangs. Her crimson eyes averted their gaze from the older man as she held onto Ardyn's coat "and don't mind her. She's quite a shy little thing." The man behind the desk smiled softly as he handed the keys to the girl "here you go. Hope you enjoy your stay, Miss" Amy shyly took the key from the man and Ardyn escorted her up the stairs "come. Seeing that you're a MT, you're still a child. And I believe a child like you deserves a well rest, wouldn't you agree, Amy?"
Amy nodded as she took a step at a time as she followed along the chancellor "right, Mr. Izunia" her small voice spoke as she nodded and giggled.

Long story short with this girl, Amy was a accidental experiment created by the late scientist Verstael Besithia. Having to see that she was a success, Verstael decided to pull the plug and treat her like a failed magitek. Ardyn was watching as he seen the girl die as Verstael was going to leave her in the lab. Ardyn chuckled as he seen the girl in the incubator, the chancellor came with an idea. Having to see a small opening on the side of the tube, seeing it for an airway. He placed his hand upon it only to send a tiny amount of the Scourge to enter the girl's body. Since he saved her, he decided to take her under his wing and raise her as his own. Seeing he doesn't want a father-daughter relation with her, he just has her around and defends her by any means necessary

Having to open their hotel room, Amy happily ran into the room to see a massive bed in the side as she ran towards it "wow! Look at this, Mr Izunia! And," running to the side of the mattress, she picked up a pillow "even a small bed too, see!" Ardyn chuckled and he shook his head a bit "that's a pillow, little MT. Now, change to these. These are your little sleepwear I happened to pick up back in Gralea. And as a good girl that you are, you're to go to sleep soon" Amy nodded her head as she took the clothes from the older male and she changed in the bathroom. As Amy returned to the room, she noticed the chancellor stand at the doorway to the balcony. She placed her clothes on the couch as she quietly walked over to the chancellor. As she walked to his side, the little MT smiled up at the chancellor. As she looked up at him, Ardyn was lost in thought as he looked ahead to the night star filled sky. Seeing billions tiny lights, her smile ceased as she lightly grabbed his hand, having the older man immediately snatch his hand away. Having to look down at what grabbed him, his gaze softened at he looked at the MT you're so fragile. Why did he give you this life? Having to kneel down, he picked her up as he lightly pinched her nose "don't take me like that, silly girl. Now, are you ready for bed?" Amy knew something was off about him.

Amy knew there was something off about him. With the Scourge within her, she felt the same emotions as him but she handled it as an ordinary human "Mr Izunia......can you tell me a story? Please?" Catching him by surprise, Ardyn nodded slowly "okay" his generous side didn't show. Just a simple okay.

Having to take her in his arms, Amy rested her head upon his shoulder as she nodded slowly "Mr Izunia.....why are you always sad?" His chest seemed to get a massive strike. Worse than a blade through his heart, Ardyn faked a smile as he held her close. Holding her close reminded him of the first Oracle when she fell limp in his arms Izunia..... her gaze was similar to the Oracle of his time. Sweet. Gentle. Fragile. He gritted his teeth as he brought the girl inside and lied her in bed. Ardyn lies down Besides her as she snuggled close to the chancellor

"Fate was never to kind to me, little MT. There was a time where I was happy. Had time to help people from the Scourge. Save people. Until I was exiled by my brother. No. He took everything from me. I was powerless to stop it—" Amy quickly stood up and puffed her cheeks
"Mr Izunia is not weak! You're my friend and you're strong, right??" Interrupting him, she sticked her hand out only to poke his nose upward "who is this brother man?? I want to beat him up!" Ardyn furrowed his brows as he caressed the younger's cheek "now why do you want to do that, little MT? You can't even stand up to a simple tonberry. What makes you think you can fight off my daemon of a brother?" Amy's face grew red to his question. She averted her gaze as she looked at the older male
"Because......I want to see you happy.. even the Scourge is telling me you're not happy"

The chancellor rose a brow as this caught him by surprise. She cares for me? Amy looked at her guardian as she hugged him tightly, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck "and I want this brother man to be nice! And Mr Tonberry and big ghost can help!" The young girl exclaimed as she grew sleepy in his arms.
Ardyn wrapped his arms around the child as she fell asleep. The chancellor gritted his teeth as he held his bottled up emotions for Six knows how long. As Amy slept soundly In his arms. However, seeing that the girl slept, with one hand towards his features as he felt his black ichor run down his face. He growled in disgust as he lightly gripped on the girl's side as he cursed in Old Lucian "I will end you all." In his tongue, Ardyn growled as he held Amy and spoke again "Izunia.....why are you taunting me? You left this world behind just to find me again?!" Having to yell at his thoughts, Amy smiled softly in her sleep as she rested her head upon his shoulder. Her mouth slightly open, and her arms dangling loosely around the older males shoulders.

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