Chapter Forty.

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More shots rang through the school. People were running all over the place trying to get to safety. Honey looked around for her friends and didn't seen Aaliyah, Jason or Nyla anywhere. She knew Mehki was probably somewhere with Nahmir and was hoping he was safe. With all the commotion she got caught in the crowd of people and was ran over. People didn't care who got in the way, they was tryna get outta there.

"Honey I got you come on." Jameson said picking her up. She looked at him but knew she didn't have time to argue. He ran and took her to the nearest classroom. Which happened to be empty. He locked the door and sat her on top of a desk. "You ight?" He asked. She stared at him rubbing her temples. "I woulda been fine if you left me." She snapped. "Honey you could have got hurt I don't wanna hear this so shut up." He said. "Where yo lil bitch at? Shouldn't you be trying to help her instead of me?" Honey asked.

"Here you go man." Jameson said. "Yeah nigga here I go. Go check on that hoe." She said. Jameson signed. "Honey. You realize you're the one who broke up with me right?" He said. She was quiet. "Exactly." He said. "You broke up with me and now you mad cause I'm tryna move on. How does that work Honey?" He asked.

"Okay but that's not the point. We weren't broken up for what two days before you got with that hoe. You obviously didn't care about me like you say you did." Honey said. "Honey don't even do that cause you know you hurt me. That shit broke my heart and I had to find a way to fix it. So yeah I did go back and fuck with Briona." He said. "You know what Jameson I don't fucking care." Honey said. "Yeah I know." He said.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" She asked. "Come on Honey don't act like you gave a fuck about me. I was just keeping you company since Monty was gone." Jameson said. He looked hurt in his eyes but tried to play it off. Honey looked at the floor. She knew she was wrong for even saying something like that. Even if it wasn't the truth she still felt as if she was in the wrong. "I'm sorry." Was all she could manage to say.

"That sorry don't mean shit to me. Sitting here tryna make me feel bad for fucking somebody else when you never even gave a fuck about me to begin with bitch." Jameson said. Honey was shocked at his words but he couldn't help it. His sadness quickly turned to anger. "Jameson don't fucking talk to me like that." She said standing up. "I'll talk to you how I want. You didn't have no problems telling me I didn't mean shit to you so ima call you what I want to." He said. Honey looked at him in disbelief.

"But I didn't mean it. You mean every word you're saying." She said. She was on the verge of tears but wouldn't let them fall. "Nah you meant that shit. Stop tryna act innocent. I'm tired of you acting like it's my fault but you the reason we fucking done. It's nobody but your fucking fault." He snapped. "But I didn't mean it I swear." She said.

"If you didn't mean it then why the fuck you say it? You just made it up? To hurt me? Cause if thats what you was trying to do it worked." Jameson said. The tears began falling down Honey's face. "I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking I just wanted to hurt you so bad. I was so hurt that you cheated and I didn't know what to do." She said. She was hyperventilating and couldn't stop the tears from falling at this point.

"That's fucked up." Jameson said. "I'm sorry." Honey said. "You keep saying sorry but I don't think you understand how fucked up you is. You had me thinking I ain mean shit to you. You know how it feel to be in love with somebody and they don't feel the same? That shit fucking hurts. It hurts Honey." Jameson said. "And now you sitting in here tryna tell me you didn't mean it. How I'm suppose to take this shit?" He asked. "I don't know." Honey mumbled.

Jameson walked over to Honey and stood in her face. She couldn't look him in the eyes so she focused on her thighs. Tracing them with her fingers. He pulled her face up and wiped her tears away. "Stop crying." He said.
"Look Honey I know I messed up. I should have never fucked that girl or had any relations with her. I was dead wrong for that and I should have owned up to that shit. But for you to lie to me like that was wrong. You don't know how bad that shit hurt me. I felt that in my heart and it fucked me up. I ran back to Briona trying to get some type of love." Jameson said.

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