Chapter Thirty Seven.

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Honey stormed into her house and went straight into her room slamming the door behind her. She laid across her bed and let all her emotions run down her face. She didn't know if she was angry or sad. She just knew she was hurt. She knew she shouldn't have let him in. She knew she shouldn't have gave him a chance. She regretted putting her trust into him and She regretted ever opening up to him. Because now she felt stupid. She knew shit was too sweet. I can't never be fucking happy man. Honey thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.

It was soon interrupted when Latrice bust into her room. "Honey!" She yelled. "Yes momma." Honey said wiping her eyes. "You talked to Marcus today?" She asked sitting on her bed. "No. I spoke to him yesterday but that was it. Why?" Honey asked. "He was supposed to come get the boys today but he never showed. And I been calling all day but he didn't answer." Latrice said.

You could hear the worry in her voice. "Ma calm down he's probably just busy." Honey said sitting up. "No he would've called and told me." Latrice said. "Okay I'll just call his trap phone. He keeps that on him at all times he'll answer." Honey said grabbing her phone off the charger. The call rung about five times before she got an answer. "Marcus what the hell you had us scared." Honey said into the phone. "This ain't Marcus sweetie." A voice said. What the fuck? Honey thought.

"Who the fuck is this then?" Honey asked. "Aye watch yo mouth cuh." The man said. Honey scoffed. "Do the name Anton ring a bell?" He asked. "No it doesn't. Where's Marcus?" Honey asked. "Oh he right here. Why you wanna talk to him?" Anton said. "Yes I do." Honey said. Anton handed Marcus the phone. "Marcus you good? My momma all worried." Honey said. "I'm good. Just tell the boys I love them." He said. "Marcus what are you talking about? Where are you?"Honey panicked. Anton snatched the phone back from Marcus.

"I'm about to kill him." He said. Honey paused for a second. "Please don't please." She begged. "Do I look like I give a fuck about you begging?" Anton said laughing. "Please I'll do anything." Honey pleaded. "Honey just leave it alone." Marcus yelled. "Honey?" Anton said. "So you're Honey." He asked smiling. Honey stayed silent. "We might be able to make a deal then." Anton said. "I'm listening." Honey said. "Come to Monty's house. Alone. Unless you want something happening to your nephews." Anton said before hanging up.

"Ma.." Honey said. "Ma nothing you're not going." Latrice yelled. "Momma I got to." Honey cried. "He'll kill you." Latrice said. "I won't go alone." Honey said. "Honey it's not safe." Latrice said. "Momma do you want Mj and Jaden to grow up with both parents dead?" Honey asked. "I'm doing this for them." She said. Latrice began crying. "Promise me you'll come back. I can't lose you Honey. I already lost your dad and Kesha." She said. "You won't lose me. I promise." Honey said. "Okay." Latrice said.

"Honey do you know what time it is?" Jason said turning on his light. Aaliyah sat up confused. "It's Marcus Jason come on." Honey said walking back and forth punching her hand. "What happened?"Jason said getting up. He quickly put on his shoes. "I don't know there's some man holding him hostage or something. He's at Monty's house." Honey said. Jason looked confused. "Why?" He asked. "Jason I don't fucking know. but some dude named Anton said he's about to kill him. And We gotta hurry." Honey said. "Shit." Jason said grabbing his keys.

"Wait. He told me to come alone. Or he gone hurt Mj and Jaden." Honey said. "Fuck honey where they at now?" Jason asked. "They at my house. They not safe there Jay." Honey said. "Okay they can come to my house." Aaliyah said joining in. "No you can't protect them." Jason said grabbing his phone and making a call. "Jameson I need you to watch Mj and Jaden." He said. "What the fuck can Jameson do? Throw a football at them?" Aaliyah asked crossing her arms. "Alright we on the way." Jason said grabbing his hoodie.

They went and got the kids and drove them to Jameson's house. "I'll be back guys. I promise. I love y'all alright." Honey said kissing both of them on the cheeks. She didn't wanna leave them but she knew she had to. They just stared back at her with sad confused expressions. "I got em Honey just go." Jameson said. Honey shot him an evil glare and walked off. She didn't have any words for him. Not even a thank you.

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