― 04. vulnerability

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   "I have way too many movies over there, Marcus just gives them to me, so I guess just pick something."

   "No way, you pick."

   Eventually they settle on something to watch, jokingly bickering back and forth over why their options are better. They settle on something that seems scary enough, but not too stupid looking (from his semi small collection). Kaitlyn feels nice and comfy snuggled under a blanket next to John, and under the cloak of the setting sun casting through the room. He's also enjoying the contact as it seems more intimate than they've been before.

   Being next to her in close proximity makes him yearn for more of her touch. His thoughts are consumed by him thinking of ways to get her in his arms.

   "Do you scare easily?" Kaitlyn asks curiously as the movie starts.

   "Not really. You?"

   "Uhhh maybe." he watches her through the eloping darkness, trying to stifle an embarrassed smile. Hopefully he can take advantage here, he thinks. "But they're fun since movies can make me bored."

   "Guess I'll be seeing a freaked out Katie soon," he teases.

   "Oh no no, I'll be keeping my composure around you Mr. Wick."

   "If you say so." He nudges her, "I have a feeling by at least a quarter in you'll wanna change it."

      "Noooo way." Kaitlyn knows she'll lose. As much as she enjoys these movies they're her downfall. Her fingers are already gripping onto the blanket and a huge piece of her wants John to just wrap an arm around her already. Suspenseful music really knows how to get her early on.

He just rolls his eyes and turned his attention to the TV, trying to ignore the already shaking girl next to him.

   Nothing in the movie makes John surprised or react. Which does make sense.. he's basically seen and done worse than anything on a screen, this type of fear isn't something he has. Kaitlyn on the other hand is struggling, and it actually took longer than he'd been expecting. He's spending plenty of time focusing on her body language trying to see where she's at. She jumps at plenty of things and lets out small squeaks at other things; but she's definitely trying to hold it together which is extremely amusing.

   "You don't get scared huh?" John says mockingly.

   "Oh shut up." Kaitlyn wants to jump into his arms and hide her face from the screen. This movie is far scarier than she thought it would've been and she hates it; especially with all the blood and jump scares.

   "Coming from the girl hiding her face with the blanket at every single thing."

   "How are you okay right now?"

   "It's not scary Katie,"

   "Laughing at my pain.. thanks."

   "Anytime." John places one of his large hands on her leg, showing some sort of comfort. He hopes it'll make her just give in and let him hold her. Or at least that's what he's going for.

   Soon a gruesome scene appears on the screen with a loud jump scare that makes Kaitlyn practically leap from her seat with a scream.

   And John reacts instantly,

   It happens rather naturally, him wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her flush to his chest. Kaitlyn's instantly overwhelmed by the warmth and safety of his body as she's now on him. Her mind feels blank though. Finally he has a grasp on her and she never wants him to let go as she'd been wanting this for some time now. She can just close her eyes and feel content in his arms and not have to watch anymore.

   His musk is intoxicating filling up her nose and making her filled with weakness. Her body's nice and relaxed in his arms and she's never felt this safe before.

   "Tired?" he whispers into her hair, seeing her drooping eyes.

   "Yeah.." she mumbles back.

   "Movies almost over, I'll take you home then."

   "Sorry you gotta drive a bit."

   "You apologize a lot I've noticed, please don't there's nothing to apologize for. If I didn't want to I wouldn't okay?" John squeezes her side,

   She tiredly laughs as she nuzzles into his shirt, "okay cool thank you."

   They lay there together for awhile longer. John was petting her hair while listening to her calming breaths. He can't remember the last time he's felt calm and content with his life; where his brain is finally able to shut off. His heart is soaring with emotion as he looks down at her limp against him. He wants to be able to protect this girl who makes him shed his seriousness and walls.

   Yet things can't always stay like this, she'll have to find out about him soon, because this isn't his normal. But it makes him start to think of something he's never thought about before- leaving.

Lovesick // John WickTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang