Louis & Jessica <3

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@XJess4evaX's One Shot. <3

Hey, this is my first One shot, so don't hate on me if its rubbish!! :3 The whole thing is from Jessica's Point of View :) Enjoy!

What your wearing is in the external link >>> 

Also, here's a photo of how you're sitting on the wall>>>


"Settle down with me 

Cover me up 

Cuddle me in 

Lie down with me 

Hold me in your arms 

Your heart's against my chest 

Lips pressed to my neck 

I've fallen for your eyes 

But they don't know me yet 

And the feeling I forget 

I'm in love now 

Kiss me like you wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

This feels like I've fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Fallen in love"......

Ed Sheeran's beautiful voice drones in my ears. But today, it doesn't calm me down. The tears just keep streaming down my face.  Why me? Why did this have to happen to me? I think, while fingering the charm bracelet around my wrist. 

Let me tell you a bit about myself. My name is Jessica, I'm 17, I have curly blonde hair, blueish green eyes and I'm quite short. There's not much really to know about me, I guess I'm just a normal girl.  

Right now, I'm sitting on a big wall, listening to music, staring at the stars on this cloudless summer night and drawing. Its the same thing I've done every night for the last month, ever since she left...

I was so lost in my thoughts, my drawing and Ed's heavenly voice, that I didn't notice the figure walking up to me, until he was right underneath me. 

To say that I flipped would be an understatement. I screamed and in doing so, nearly fell of the wall. 'Nearly' being I DID fall off, but the person standing there caught me half way down and helped me scramble back up again. 

I took a deep breath in, and just stared at him. In the semi-darkness I could just make out his outfit: stripey blue & white top, red jeans, navy TOMS, brown hair and a cute face.

"Hey" he smiled "Its ok, I don't bite"

"uhh..W-who are you?" I stuttered, still unsure and very shy. 

"Me? Oh.. okay.. I'm Louis. Whats your name, hun?"

"Um.. I'm Jessica." I gave him a shy smile. "Sorry about the screaming, you kinda gave me a fright."

He grins. "Sorry about that.. Um, Could I..sit with you?" 

I give him a suspicious look. He looks harmless. What do I have to lose that I haven't already lost?

I sigh. "Sure" I move around so my legs are dangling down. He quickly climes up and sits next to me.

We just sit there in a comfortable silence staring at the stars. I sneak a few glances at his face. Now that we were closer, I could see his features. To say that he was handsome would be an understatement. He was perfect, his features all perfectly shaped and perfectly even.

He caught me looking at him and turned his head to look at me. Our eyes locked for a second and then I looked away embarrassed. 

I could feel him studying me. "Have you been crying, hun?"

"Uhm.. No?" I say looking away, more like a question then a statement. 

He gently takes puts his hand under my chin and makes it so I'm looking at him. "Babe, whats wrong?"

I sigh. Just thinking about my miserable life makes the tears well up in my eyes again. "Nothing,"

"Jessica, I know its not nothing. You know, you can tell me."

I look at him, his sweet face, his kind mischievous eyes, and the worried way he was looking at me now.  I hadn't told anyone how I've been feeling, because no ones seemed to care. I sighed again. "Ok, but your going to think I'm stupid."

"I'd never think that, babe."

Well, I've got nothing to lose. "A month ago, my best friend, who was like a sister to me, and was like my only real friend, died in a car crash with her father. Then after the funeral her Mother and Brother moved away-" I paused, because I was crying to hard. But it felt good to get it out. "They were like my family.. I spent more time with them then at my house. I told them everything. And now I have nothing..No one.." 

"Shuushh..." Louis says, putting an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close and rubbing circles on my back.

"no one.." kept echoing in my mind. I mean, I did have my real family.. but my best friends family were always more family to me than my own. If that makes sense.

I sat there crying into his chest and thinking for a while. Thinking about the plans me and my best friend had for the summer, thinking of times where we were just going to sit on the beach and talk,  thinking of that band that she loved that we were going to see together, thinking about the charm bracelet she gave me for my birthday a week before the car crash, thinking about everything..  Then I realized still had my head on Louis' chest. Embarrassing. 

I mumble "Sorry" and try pull away. 

 "No.. stay" he whispers, pulling me fully into a hug with him.

And even though we've just met, deep down inside it just feels right. Being in Louis' arms is the right place for me to be.

He pulls up my chin so we are looking each other in the eyes. "You don't have no one anymore, Jessica. You have me."


I hope you like it, Jessica!! I'm sorry, its really sad isn't it? I didn't mean to make it so sad :/ I hope you don't mind. I can make you a better one if you want?? :// x

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