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The mystic circle of a twisted labyrinth is our society.
We make it, we break it, we forever remain within its frailty.

Divided among ourselves to the minuscule level of colours;
We set up scales made by us, for us, in an asymmetrical universe, begging for structure.

The purpose these roles solve, is beyond our knowledge.
Be it race, gender, caste or colour; their chrysalis stand for a chaotic solace.

Our blood moves forward with new found definitions;
But we are brought down by weapons, laws and regulations.

This maze becomes us, destroys us, and breaks us.
The Phoenix that rises, carries wings of hate and conservatism.

They are scared to change, love and forgive.
Hence, they puncture our minds with tags, poison and pills.

Tumultuous  voices and chaotic thoughts, our destiny is torn between concepts and notions.
Alas, youth is the beautiful thing that grows in pain;
We must solve the web within us, for a clearer future.

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