Chapter 16

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        After having lifted the brainwashing I left them in their cells, not interested in releasing them without reward but annoyed when the demons had broken into the beast's cell. Nothing but blood remained as I sighed, needing stricter training for the destructive creatures. I planned to study it some before likely releasing it, if I didn't add it to my collection that is.

       Grumbling I put down the plasma shield regulator as I sighed again, rubbing my temple as I could physically feel the bags under my eyes from just how little I've slept. It was a bothersome time-consuming activity I usually avoided but was unfortunately necessary to the human body. Glancing at the laying demons, none asleep but all relaxing I blinked in surprise, having never actually seen a sleeping demon.

       Not even those under twenty four hour surveillance. Aw... I suppose they don't sleep, despite their food consumption they do need sun in a very plant like manner. My interest peaked as I got up to look into this further but my head started to spin at the speed I had gotten up with. My eyes blurring and my limbs heavy, I collapsed onto the floor falling into an unwelcomed darkness.

      Staring at the demons looking around the room, cautiously wondering, the two headless ones hanging from their hind legs, their blood draining into the buckets below them. They weren't overly bothered but definitely looking for the predator capable of doing such a thing. It wasn't all that hard honestly, trust is a truly frightening thing after all.

      From my studies of the creatures, they weren't capable of magic but their physical adaptation was on another level. If a dragon was only allowed their flame a demon is sure to win. It was one of the many reasons my dragons were uncomfortable around them. So, without magic, this would be far more difficult but not impossible, thankfully they have a different but similar gene that will make it practically the same procedure.

      Unlike the heavy risks I took with the dragon... Conversion, I had properly studied and tested, in response, I had found a fascinating gene that the magic gene would usually suppress, upon major emotional stress, many sadness and anger, the chemicals produced would feed into it. Transforming humans to demons.

     The Fall, as we call it, was never something I looked into but with a few days and mild interest, I had full understanding of how and why it happened. Though the rapid change in form was surprising, our little seven heavenly virtues were fast their change, as are every other that fall and that's due to their own magic pumping through their veins.

        The magic just speeds the process to that of a minutes at least, ten at most. The most vulnerable you'll ever find a demon is in their transition but that does not mean they're weak, in fact, the duration of time between their transition they are very aggressive and use not only the magic they still have but the adaptations they are growing. The only reason they can be considered vulnerable is the mild consciousness and that weak human body.

        I also learned that those forced to fall are far more timid after the fact, despite their lack of aggression they are stronger, their instincts not driving them, and are considerably more obedient. Less clingy too.

       Grabbing the full buckets I dropped myself into my lab to purify the gene I lazily named antimagic. It canceled out magic. Why make it overly complicated? It's not like I've changed the name 'magic' despite it not being true magic as it was scientifically provable and reproducible. It'd be pointless and a waste of time. And antimagic was easy to remember.

      Anyway, I started to purify it, separating the blood and antimagic, the process nearly exactly like that with the dragon, though far more refined. I've thought this through and am not under the influence of any distressing emotions. It was simply the most productive thing to do and it wasn't as if I could be considered human after having done it the first time.

       I shouldn't go around risking possible centuries just because of my distaste for humans and need to rid myself of the anatomic similarities we share. They stopped seeing me as one of their own the moment I proved myself capable of my own magic. They turn on those that have helped them in fear that they will be the ones to find the knife in their back. The stronger you are the faster they turn.

       They'll send you to a war they started and the moment you win it for them you're branded a monster for doing so. Sighing as I rubbed my temple, pushing back the memories I focused on what I was doing as distractions weren't welcome.

      It wasn't my busy how they did it I just had to make sure they lived.

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