Chapter 15

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This one's poorly put together and kinda a filler

      Watching with my hands in my pockets and claws in the thick branch below me as they tore into the hunters' pride while they had given up and started screaming for help I debated scaring them away or letting the demons consume them. It wasn't as if they had even attacked yet. They were just circling them while very much so wanting to tear into the humans that dared touch their territory. Raising my left leg I went to jump off only to stopped and regain my balance as a direspider leaped into the center hissing with its front legs up I was left holding the branch in awe as it attempted to scare off the demons.

      They've got a monster doing their bidding. It didn't matter much as my demons didn't waver in the slightest, unlike every other, they found something they wished to protect other than their life. And they were very loyal. The direspider didn't waver either as it slammed its legs into the ground only to raise them again, daring the demons forward. Licking my lips I let out a loud and long whistle that had them backing up while they faced the intruders. They remained within sight, ever more aggressive as I jumped out of my tree.

     "You shouldn't be here," I pointed out with my hands still in my pockets, my attention on the direspider before me. "What a curious thing..." I mumbled taking a step forward only for a ground shaking roar to stop me as I sighed stepped back. The dragons I did not call latching onto trees and rocks while I glanced at them. I didn't want the possibility of them getting hurt so I didn't call for them but they still came.

     "We've come to slay you!" A bold hunter exclaimed stepping forward and standing beside the direspider that easily dwarfed him. Completely ignoring him I looking at its many milky eyes with a frown as my knowledge of direspiders told me they had black eyes. The hunter rushed forward while I fell through space and popped up before the direspider, who I dropped in the dungeon I usually tamed the demons in. Its own cell, of course, I did not want to see what would happen if I put a demon and monster together.

      "Who tamed the beast?" I asked his companions, all differing in what appeared to be everything as I held my insults of there intelligence. One party? That differs to a dangerous point? How ridiculous. A sword came swinging from behind as they were still frozen before me I didn't do anything as I looked over my shoulder, many demons dragging him by his armor, away from me. Doing a relatively good job of not killing him while his friends screamed his name. Logically.

     "The council has demanded your head demon! We are the strongest-" She was in the sky screaming a second later while her staff remained on the ground. Watching the dragon with pride as he too didn't kill her I looked at the remaining five.

      "We are the seven heavenly virtues! We will slay-" Fucking gone. I watched the drake drag him into the tree before looking at the remaining four. I raised both brows, slightly asking if it was a good idea and they seemed to think it was.

     "Their downfall was clearing in talking too much, I, the virtue of humility, will-" Look at that. It's almost like they're stupid. The demons dragged him off in the same fashion as the first while the remaining seemed to think individual attacks were still the way to go. My patients were not high enough to deal with them so I put my hands to the ground and dropped them next to a demon cell. I did the same with the others so they didn't end up dead as my babies still hated humans and know little about their own strength.

     "Dinner time!" I shouted and many ran off to search for food while I popped into my dungeon. "Was there a point to that? Because I honestly think you guys should be dead if you go into battle like that," They jumped, all in the same cell while demons clawed into it desperately.

     "You blasted devil!" I just kicked the bar in front of me very annoyed at the way they talked.

     "You lot, get the fuck over yourself, now why are you here and who tamed the beast?" I was glared at by the sparkly hunters who claim to be 'the seven heavenly virtues', which is a concept not of this world as we worship stars around here so I did have more question but didn't care to do so now.

     "Your vulgar words will get you nowhere! Know now that we are resistant to torture!" I kinda just stared before turning around as I popped their mage into a different cell way out of their sight and hearing range.

     "Guess I'll see about that," I hummed very very annoyed. A girl erupted into tears immediately while clinging to guy A. You know, the one swing swords at peoples backs. She went missing next.

     "You utter devil! Take me! TAKE ME!" I continued walking as I did just that, plopping him in a different cell. With every cry from those still grouped I split them up further while I jumped upstairs and started a pot of tea. I don't really need to do anything. They'll torture themselves with their own assumptions until they're ready to tell me what I want to know while I sit down with a good book, blanket, and warm dragon. Can't forget the tea.

      "The council has deeded you the enemy of the world, they've sent us, the seven heavenly virtues, to rid the world of your rein, we did not know just how powerful you were. It was our own faults, we should have never thought ourselves better-"

     "Oh my stars, shut up and just tell me who tamed the beast," I rubbed my temple, jesus fuck, can they talk normal? Were they cursed? What the shit is wrong with them?

      "It was I, the demon failure is as ugly as they, but the kindest of creatures," My hand slowly found my eyes as I took a deep breath as she went off rambling about how horrible a creature it was while still forgiving it for being born. Which pisses me off on another level. Kicking the bar, so hard it bent gently, I glared at her.

     "Monsters and beasts, aren't demon failures, not even related. Demons are made from human corruption while 'monsters' are born just like any other animal, insect, or arachnids, they're just unaesthetic and scare ignorant people. Stop claiming to be better than them and get off your high horse, you didn't tame that direspider, you brainwashed it, and because of that, it tried to eat its own legs because it slipped. Unless you want me to kill your friends, release it from your control," I snapped with no real intention to kill anyone but debating opening their cells just to see what happened.

      If they ran into a dragon or a demon, it's not my fault.

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