"I could never do that to anyone, especially you guys. I see spirits more as friends rather than pets or shields. You have my word Aries, I shall never disrespect any of you. And if that were ever to happen, I shall be punished or even release each of you from your contracts." The look of determination rests on my face. She gasps at noticing it, but the proceeds to smile at me once again.

"Thank you. I trust your word." From there, we formed our contract. After her, I summoned the leader, Leo. Aries told me that I should do him next, for it will be easier for me when I summon the others. They trust their judgment of the key holder is their leader is on board. Leo was extremely nice towards me. He was a bit flirtatious, but I just ignored it. He even told me that each Zodiac Twin has their own name. Apparently Aries' name is Ariesa and Leo's name is Leon.

     The next key was Taurus, or Tauro. He seemed to be a bit of a pervert, but I laughed it off. His personality made me smile so I told him to not change it. But since I am young, I did ask for him to tone it down on me. The Gemini twins, Gemin and Mina, were so adorable. They even took my form which was funny to see them copy my moves. Cancer, or Cancerus, loves my hair and would like to style it soon. I told him that I wouldn't mind at all. Virgo, Virgana, is a bit weird but I don't mind! She wanted me to punish her, but I told her that I made a promise to Aries that I shall not hurt any Zodiacs. She smiled at me but said that it would be okay, and she would tell Aries about it. I panicked but we managed to work it out. She called me Mistress, but that is odd to hear her call me that when I am still young. She decided to call me Princess for now until I came of age. I honestly don't mind whatever nicknames she gives me.

     I then summoned Libra, Librie. I like how she is dressed and complemented her. Her scales are shiny and very pretty. Scorpio, Scorpius, followed after her. He did these hand signals which I also thought was funny and cool. He even showed me how to do his iconic pose along with the hand signals. Next came Capricorn or Caprico. He reminded me of a butler which I think is silly but also nice. He promised that he would help me build up my magic energy for I started to deplete after opening ten gate keys in one day. Aquarius, Aquaria, came second to last. She is a beautiful mermaid, but has a bit of an attitude. She told me that her attitude is way better than her Gold Key twin which makes me glad that she's nice. I don't like attitudes. She made me promise that if I stay sweet and innocent while not treating her friends terribly, she would continue to be as kind as she is towards me, which I really appreciate. Lastly was Pisces, or Peces. The mother-son duo is so kind. She even said that she will treat me as her own daughter, and I told her I am honored and grateful for my parents are not with me.

     By the time Peces left, I was completely drained from all the magic energy I used in one day. I summoned twelve gate keys in a row. It was it a lot easier since I wasn't in a battle. It was funny when I tried to summon Aquarius. I had to summon Leon to ask him how I could summon her. I needed a water source which was near by so I didn't have to go off so far. The things I learn is a short amount of time.

     A couple of days later, Virgo appeared out of no where when I was in my room at Fairy Hill. She said that my presence was needed in the Celestial World as soon as possible. She gave me a change of clothes and took me with her along with Moonlight and Midnight. We got to meet the Celestial King for the very first time. We formed a secret contract that only I would know of. Of course I could tell no one else. I didn't spend much time in there because their day equaled three months in the human world. And that would cause some panic to arise. Who knew that I would be this fortunate to have such amazing spirit friends.

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