"We were married?" She asked.

The Nymph nodded.

I was about to say something when Camelia clamped her hand on my mouth with a growl. Let them deal with it on their own. We're just observers.

I nodded into her hand and she moved it.

"But... I don't-." Nokiya's eyes were filled with confusion, which was something I've never seen before in my life. She was always determined, always ready to tackle problems head on.

But now, she was at a loss. She didn't understand what was trying to be said.

Ariadne rubbed her own arm as she watched the floor. "I realize you aren't the same person as you were before, and that you do not have your memories. Therefor I will not push you, nor will I try and advance on you." Ariadne told her. "My wife is long dead. You are just her reincarnation."

"How old are you?" Nokiya asked.

"I think it is better left unsaid." Ariadne looked towards her fireplace.

"You said when you met the old me, the castle wasn't built yet. That was thousands of years ago. That was before Kira. Before Avalon and Avalar!" Nokiya barked. "I'm only a little over 3,000 years old. You've been alone for-."

"A long time." Ariadne said. "But that's the price of True Immortality."

"You're a god?" I barked.

Ariadne looked at me. "I'm a Nymph. We don't die. We're Nature guardians. In Exodious we're like gods. On Earth we're superior entities whom protect nature. If we 'die' our forms are just misplaced temporarily, and we come back later with all our power and memories."

"So you aren't demons who can be controlled by Exodious?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm not a Demon. I'm a Spirit." She explained.

Nokiya looked like she was still trying to comprehend the fact that the person in front of her was the same person she was married to in a past life.

Ariadne looked back at Nokiya and sighed. "What's done is done." She said. "The old you is gone, and a new you now stands." She took her ring back from Nokiya and put it on her finger again. She then took the jar of ashes and handed it to Nokiya. "You can talk to the Spirits right?" She asked.

"I've had a bit of practice." Nokiya said. She looked very uncomfortable holding the remains of her dead past life.

"Try and talk to her then." Ariadne said. "That life might know things that can help you in your future."

Nokiya looked from Ariadne then to Camelia and I. We both just shrugged and she sighed. "Fine."

Ariadne's eyes lit up and she motioned for Nokiya to sit on a pillow in front of the fire. Nokiya set the ashes in front of her as she folded her legs and closed her eyes. After a few seconds, my connection to her thoughts vanished and I knew she was in her own world.

"So... what now?" I asked, knowing Nokiya wouldn't be able to be woken up until she wanted to.

"We just wait for her to wake up, and hope she learns what she needed to." Ariadne sighed.

"Can we call you Aria?" Camelia asked.

"Of course. Call me what you will." She smiled softly.

"Aria, do your offer of drinks still stand?" I smiled.

"Of course they do. What would you like?"

"Surprise me." Both Camelia and I said at the same time, getting us to laugh.

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