11. Copy Cat

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Bruce woke up by the light that was sneaking in through the big red curtains in his bedroom. He noticed selina were laying right next to him. Then he remembered last night and smiled. She was looking so peaceful sleeping so he didn't want to wake her. He put on the TV on the lowest volume but he could still hear every word they were saying. They were talking about that a painting from the Gotham art museum had been stolen. The police saw it was a women dressed out as a cat.
Bruce glanced at selina thinking, " maybe" he looked at the TV again but turned it off after a few seconds.
He laid back in bed beside selina. He brushed her cheek gently to wake her up.

"mm, bruce? she opened her eyes like a newborn.

"Hey beautiful laying in my bed." he said
Selina let out a cute giggle. Bruce kissed her forehead.

"You look troubled. What's wrong? she asked. Bruce took selina's hand and brushed it gently with his thumb. He looked troubled but also a little disappointed." Selina? He said with a low tone. Did you steal a painting from the art museum? He asked and looked at her with sad eyes like he knew what the answer were gonna be.

"Bruce what are you talking about? What painting? she looked so shocked and questioned.

"Selina please don't lie to me. If it was you then just tell me." he looked so intensively at her, still holding her hand.

"Bruce, I don't know what your talking about, I didn't steal some random painting from a museum. But the thought of that you really believe that I would-.... she didn't finish her sentence, she just got up out of the bed, wrapping her naked body in one of the sheets and stormed off to the door, right before she walked out she turned to Bruce like she was going to give him a scolding. But she just looked down in disappointment and left. She passed Alfred in the hallway who was headed to Bruce's room. He saw how upset she looked, he tried talking to her but she was already to far in the distance.

Later that day
Selina was walking around the city when she saw a cat similar figure in the distance who were waving at her to come closer. Selina obviously knew it was very suspicious and that it was surely a trap of some kind but she didn't care she had to find out what was going on. She followed the unknown woman for about one block, when she suddenly stopped.

"who the fuck are you?" Selina asked.

"I'm no one, but the one I work for well is... She says hi." the woman said.

"Who?" selina frowned.

"Just a old friend of yours... Ivy."

"ivy sent you?" selina sounded even more and more suprised.

"Yeah" the woman replied with a sound of sass in her voice.

"Why are you dressing up as me then and stealing paintings? Selina sounded irritated and a little angry even.

"You'll have to ask Ivy." the woman said and started climbing one of the fire escapes on her right and disappeared.
Selina was shocked hearing that it was ivy who were the one stealing that painting and make it look like it was selina, but she wasn't that shocked after all it was Ivy.

Selina's POV
After all this ivy drama there's was still a thing on my mind I couldn't shake,Bruce. I wanted to talk to him, I needed to talk to him, especially after this morning. I'm still mad that he thought it was me at the museum, but I can't really blame him. It kind of is my thing stealing stuff but still. Anyhow i started heading to his place.

At the manor 20 min later

Bruce's POV
I had just got out of the bathroom when I saw selina sitting on my bed. She looked troubled so I didn't take the time to put on clothes.


"Oh, hi Bruce. Umm...Alfred let me in.

" I figured. "

"can we talk?

He nodded and she got up off the bed and stepped closer to Bruce. He was only in a towel and his bare chest was still wet as well as his night black hair. She tried to not get distracted and looked into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. She stared explaining what had happened after this morning and all this thing with Ivy.
After selina had told Bruce everything he just looked at her with this sad face. Then pulled her by the waist into his warm embrace, her eyes started to tear up, she thought to herself " what did I do to deserve you? Selina put her arms around him and didn't let go.

After a couple of minutes of just holding each other bruce pulled away. He wiped away a little tear still clinging on to her cheek and gave her kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you selina. And I'm sorry."

"For what B?

" For telling me the truth and that I didn't believe you, I will always believe you from now on. And we will handle this ivy thing together, ok?

She nodded and he gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. Selina laid her head on his chest and sighed and put her hands around his neck.

Ok so I have 3 things

1. Just wanted to say thank you all again for more than 1k on this story, love u all so much 😊❤️

2. Sorry this chapter took FOR EVAAAAA

3. I will probably have to take a break from this story, and here comes the reason....I've entered this story challenge with one of my friends and I don't have ANY idea of what I'm gonna write soooo. But I promise I'll try to write on this story too, after all I have summer break now sooooooo yay. And I hope u all understand and I'm sry😔😘BYE

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