7. I Couldn't Handle It

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Selina was walking around the Narrows when she saw a homeless cat in an alley, she went stealing some milk from a shop close by to feed the cat. When she was feeding it she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"You know it's not very polite to run of on the first date you've had in ten years."

Selina slowly turned around and saw Bruce standing there looking at her with an asking glance.

"what are you doing here B?"

"umm, I'm looking for someone."

"... Who can you possibly be looking fore in the Narrows?"

"A woman."

Selina frowned, but Bruce just started to walk towards her, step by step. "

"She's beautiful" he walked a little closer. "she's smart," he walked a two steps further. "sassy, confident, stubborn and sexy as hell."
He was getting real close so selina started to slowly back away but he was leading her up against the alley wall. So now they stood there, selina up against the dirty alley wall and Bruce right in front of her. He putted his hand on the wall beside her and leaned in even closer.

"you've seen her around?" he asked.

Selina's POV
He was so close that it felt like every breath I relased he felt too. I couldn't move and I couldn't look away, hes eyes just followed mine wherever they went. I just felt trapped, and that's a feeling I haven't felt in a long time.

Bruce's POV
She looked nervous again just like she did on the roof. But now she couldn't even look me in the eye. I couldn't take this anymore.

"Selina, why did you run away from me? And I want an honest answer."

"I couldn't handle it."

"You couldn't handle what selina?"

"You... Us B. You coming back... I... It just brought all of it back, all of it."she had tears in her eyes. And she breathed heavily." When you left...
I were so so lost. " she started to tear up more for every word she spoke.
" And for the longest time I thought... that you would come back, for me. But then you didn't and I... Just didn't know what to do.
I know that... I pushed you away sometimes when we were kids, but I never thought you of all people would leave." she took deep breaths in and out trying to calm herself but she couldn't.

Bruce looked at her whole face that was now red of all the tears and emotions. A tear was running down her cheek but Bruce wiped it away and pulled her head up so that she made eye contact with him. He stared into those beautiful hazel eyes and she did too. He backed up a little giving her some space and then he pulled her into a warm and calming hug. She was sobbing at first in Bruce's big strong chest but then she started to calm down and tighten her grip around Bruce.
She couldn't let go anymore.

"I promise you selina, I will never ever leave Gotham again. I will never leave you alone again. I promise." he whispered in her ear.

Selina heard every word and she was finally for real all calm. It took all her strength to release her grip around Bruce and pull away. But she did and looked into those blue eyes that could both break your heart and heal it.

"I have to go." she said and ran off just like last time. But this time Bruce wasn't gonna let go either.

"I Love You."he shouted out. The word echoed between the alleys walls. Making selina sure what she heard.
She didn't turn around but she answered him anyway.

" I Love You too, Bruce ". She said and kept walking.

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